

单词 Yoko
释义 Yoko ˈjokoʊ 高COCA³¹⁵⁷⁵BNC⁵⁰⁴⁴⁴
Far and wide, Ono Yoko was singled out as being the prime cause behind the demise of the much- loved Beatles.
小野洋子 Ono Yoko被认为是深受人们喜爱的披头士乐队消亡背后的主要原因。 yeeyan

The lyrics are being sold by comedy writer and presenter Gail Renard, who was16 when Lennon and Yoko Ono staged their famous“ Bed-In” and at a hotel in Montreal in1969.
1969年,列侬与妻子大野洋子在加拿大蒙特利尔的一个旅馆上演了一场著名的“床上和平”运动,那时里纳德只有16岁。 ebigear

The remastering is being supervised by Beatles Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and George Harrison.
歌曲的数字灌录由披头士乐队的成员保罗·麦考特尼、瑞恩格·斯塔尔以及约翰·列侬的遗孀大野洋子和乔治·哈里森监制。 cri

“ We’ve had a good relationship with Yoko since before the museum opened here, ” Mr. Henke said in a telephone interview from Cleveland.
“我们在开这个馆之前已经跟洋子保持着很好的关系,”身在克利夫兰的 Henke先生在电话访谈中说道。 yeeyan

“It would be unthinkable to raise it further than that, considering the health of the workers,” the health minister, Yoko Komiyama, said at a news conference.
卫生部长小宫山洋子说:“考虑到工作人员的健康,不可能把限定值再提高。” yeeyan

Among the letters that Yoko Ono alleged Seaman had stolen, some highlighted the furious disagreements between lennon and another member of Beatle, Paul McCartney.
小野洋子所指控希曼偷窃的信件中,有些凸显了蓝侬生前曾与披头四另一名团员保罗麦卡尼激烈争执。 tdict

Famous moments in Montreal history: John Lennon and Yoko Ono surrounded by journalists in room1742 of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, during their famed1969“ Bed-In” for peace.
蒙特利尔历史上著名的时刻:因1969年床上静坐闻名的约翰·列侬和小野洋子在女王酒店1742号房间接受媒体采访。 yeeyan

His wife, Yoko Takahashi, is his first reader.
村上春树的妻子高桥洋子是他的第一个读者。 yeeyan

Lennon wrote this song about his wife, Yoko Ono, while he was in Bermuda, lyrically referencing a line from a Chinese proverb: “For the other half of the sky.”
这首歌是列侬写给自己的妻子的,其中还引用了中国的一句话“半边天”。 hjenglish

Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and younger son Sean will be in Reykjavik, Iceland, for a concert and to unveil and ignite the dazzling Imagine Peace Tower.
列侬的遗孀洋子和他的小儿子西恩将会到雷克雅未克,冰岛首都,举行音乐会并揭开和平光塔的面纱,点燃光塔。 yeeyan

Mark McGowan, who once ate a swan as part of a performance art show, tucked into the dog alongside Yoko Ono, the widow of ex-Beatle John Lennon, live on a London radio station.
曾在一场表演艺术展上吃天鹅肉的马克.麦高恩,这回在伦敦某电台现场节目中大啖狗肉,前「披头四」主唱约翰.蓝侬的遗孀小野洋子也在旁作陪。 taipeitimes

Murakami himself has been married since 1971 to Yoko, although he has speculated in interviews about whether this was the right thing to do.
村上1971年与洋子结婚,但他在访谈中经常质疑结婚是否是正确的选择。 yeeyan

So John, if he had been deported, Yoko would've stayed behind.
所以如果约翰被驱逐出境,洋子将继续留在美国。 yeeyan

The kind exhibited this week in the dot prints devised by the creative team of ThreeAsFour in collaboration with Yoko Ono;
这个种类本周展出了,在由富有创造性的队伍“不三不四”和小野洋子的合作中设计的圆点印花布中; yeeyan

They had come to see Yoko Ono, a Japanese- American pioneer of conceptual art and widow of John Lennon, who was there for the opening of her exhibition“ Das Gift” on September10th.
人们前来是为了见到日裔美国概念艺术的先锋、已故约翰•列侬的第二任妻子:小野洋子。她于9月10日亲临其美术展览《 Das Gift》的开幕式。 ecocn

Yoko Ishikura, a business professor at Hitotsubashi University, believes that Japanese bosses are complacent.
来自一桥大学的一位经济学教授, Yoko Ishikura,坚信日本老板总是自鸣得意。 yeeyan

Yoko claims she had no idea who John Lennon or the Beatles were when she met him.
大野洋子说在遇到列农时,压根不知道列农和披头士是谁。 bbs.imelite.com.cn

Yoko would periodically call in and speak to whoever answers.
洋子会定期打进来,跟接电话的人讲话,不管谁接。 yeeyan

Yoko Yo, a mother of two in Kobe, said she was staying inside with her family.
Yoko Yo,神户一个两个孩子的母亲,说她和子女一直呆在家里。 yeeyan




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