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YiuCOCA¹³⁶⁰³⁴BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺⁷ 基本例句 n.姚姓氏 A total of 1068 human sera from Long Hai and Yiu Qi counties, Fujian province was examined for rubella virus antibody with HI test. 应用微量血凝抑制试验检测福建省龙海和尤溪县正常人血清1068份。 cnki Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Chui Kin Bong demonstrated boxing. The music show has changed to become a sports program. 崔建邦 中和孙耀威右 负责示范西洋拳,音乐节目骤变体育节目。 suenyiuwai LEE Yiu Tai ceased to be a partner and remained as a consultant of Stanley KY Ng &Co as from7 April2003. 李耀泰先生自2003年4月7日辞去吴金玉律师行合夥人一职,而转任该行顾问。 iciba Mr. Yiu of the Jockey Club says he has received requests to save items such as the bunk beds in the prison cells and worn carpeting on office floors. 饶恩培表示已经有人向他提出了要求,例如要他保留监狱的旧床铺以及警局办公室的旧地毯等。 ebigear You are invited to participate in a project conducted by Prof. Edwin Yiu in the Division of Speech& Hearing Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. 香港大学言语及听觉科学部诚意邀请阁下参与一项由姚文礼教授主理的计划。 “ The new measures will work only in the short term, ” spokeswoman of the protest Jocelyn Yiu said. “该项新举措只在短期内有效,” Jocelyn Yiu,抗议活动的发言人说。 huiduworld Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Chan Fa La felt embarrassed when they were playing heartbeat measurement. 孙耀威和陈法拉玩量度心跳,都感尴尬。 suenyiuwai Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Ella Kwan demonstrated the hand phone given to them by the conference. 孙耀威与官恩娜展示大会送的手提电话。 suenyiuwai In ancient China, wrestling was first used by the Yellow Emperor during his fight against the rebel Chi Yiu. 在古代中国,摔跤在黄帝对抗叛军蚩尤的战斗中被首次用到。 http://www.readywin.com Li Man- yiu,29, told a court Monday he was “ extremely thirsty” when he staggered into a hospital on September13 for treatment for an injured toe, the South China Morning Post reported. 据南华早报称,周一,这名29岁名叫Li Man- yiu的男子在法庭上称自己当九月十三日踉踉跄跄地来到一家医院治脚伤时“极度口渴”。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Most of them depend on their family and only4 are self-made, the youngest of whom is Hong Kong citizen Chu Lam Yiu, the38-year-old head of Huabao International. 榜单中大部分人财富源于家庭支持,只有4位是白手起家,其中华宝集团主席、38岁的香港女富豪朱林瑶最年轻。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Next stop is Tin Yiu. Please mind the platform gap. 下一站系天耀,请小心月台与车厢间之空隙。 ushb.net Professor Fan Yiu-kwan, Vice- President Development, expressed the University's gratitude to scholarship donors. 副校长拓展范耀钧教授致辞时向捐献奖学金的人士和机构致谢。 uhhooh The mechanism of nourishing Yin is closely related to reducing the level of thyroxine in Yiu-deficiencyrat. 其滋阴机理与降低阴虚动物体内甲状腺素水平有密切关系。 cnki They include Hong Kong entrepreneur Chu Lam Yiu, who chairs Huabao International, which makes tobacco flavourings for China’s top cigarette makers. 其中包括朱林瑶,她拥有的华宝国际为中国最大的香烟制造商提供香精。 yeeyan This LRV is on route 701. Next stop is Tin Yiu. 本班车为701线列车,下一站系天耀。 ushb.net Yiu Yong has a deep and complicated influence on the history or China's Ci. 柳永在中国词史上的影响深远而复杂。 cnki Yiu says. ' The only thing I can say is, ' Trust us. 饶恩培说:“我唯一能说的是:请相信我们。” ebigear |