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词汇 Yisrael
释义 YisraelEconomist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine近义词 Sion锡安山Zion犹太人Israel以色列亚洲…
YisraelBeitenu's success in the election in February, when it came third with 15 of the parliament's 120 seats, made Mr Lieberman the kingmaker.在2月份举行的以色列议会选举中“家园党”大获成功,赢得议会120个席位里的15个席位,一举跃升为议会第三大党,经此一役,利伯曼的势力大大加强,成为议会里举足轻重的人物。
What's more,YisraelBeiteinu party Chief Avigdor Lieberman became foreign minister and Labor party chairman Ehud Barak remains as defense minister.此外,外交部长由“以色列是我们的家园”党主席利伯曼担任,国防部长则由工党主席巴拉克留任。
The person with most to smile about wasYisraelBeitenu's Mr Lieberman, who held his victory celebration earlier in Jerusalem.然而,不管两位领袖怎么对对方指手画脚,在双方总部的愉悦声中都似乎缺少了什么。
Speaking Wednesday on Israeli army radio, Major-GeneralYisraelZiv said the entire area of Beit Hanoun could be cleared if militant rocket fire continues.以军少将易色列·齐夫星期三在以色列陆军电台说,如果激进份子继续发射火箭,以色列可能会清理整个贝特哈农地区。
Avigdor Lieberman, who heads theYisraelBeitenu Party, says he is quitting the government, because he believes a withdrawal to Israel's 1967 borders will not end terrorism or bring peace.以色列一个右翼政党的领导人星期三退出执政的联合政府,说他不支持和巴勒斯坦进行谈判。他认为谈判只会使以色列放弃1967年在阿拉伯国家和以色列的战争中夺取的领土。
The first attempts have already been made, withYisraelBeiteinu, the far-right party in the ruling coalition, sponsoring laws like a prohibition of marking the day of the Palestinian nakba.事态已经向这个方向迈出了第一步。极端右翼政党以色列家园党在联合执政期间,发起了一项禁止巴勒斯坦灾难日的立法。 A fourth group, Yisrael Beitenu, once a minor right- wing party, is making a surprisingly strong push, too.
第四组织——以色列家园党——曾是一个较小的右翼政党,也是制造惊奇的强劲推力。 ecocn

So conspiracy theorists, privately egged on by both Netanyahus, say that Yediot is targeting Sara as a warning shot to her husband that he should somehow rein in Yisrael Hayom.
一些私下里受内塔尼亚胡夫妇指使的阴谋论家跳出来发话,称《以色列日报》是通过针对萨拉来警告内塔尼亚胡,迫其好好约束下《今日以色列》。 ecocn

The “ loyalty oath” is a long-time demand of the foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party.
“忠诚宣誓”是外交部长阿维格多•利伯曼领导的以色列革命党长期要求的。 ecocn

The first attempts have already been made, with Yisrael Beiteinu, the far-right party in the ruling coalition, sponsoring laws like a prohibition of marking the day of the Palestinian nakba.
事态已经向这个方向迈出了第一步。联合执政党之一的极端右翼政党以色列家园,支持一项禁止巴勒斯坦灾难日的立法。 yeeyan

Yisrael Beiteinu has made the settlement's expansion a key plank in its platform because Ariel has a large proportion of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, Mr Lieberman's core constituency.
扩张艾里尔定居点是以色列家园党最关键的党政纲领之一,原因在于艾里尔定居点人口大半是前苏联移民,而家园党最核心的选民支持者正是这些前苏联移民。 yeeyan

Yisrael Hayom’s new weekend edition is threatening Yediot’s advertising and circulation.
《今日以色列》最新出品的周末版已经威胁到了《以色列日报》的广告量和发行量大哥地位。 ecocn

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, right, speaks on a mobile phone during a convention of his Yisrael Beiteinu party in Jerusalem on Wednesday.
以色列外交部长阿维格多‧利伯曼右上周三于耶路萨冷的一场他所属以色列家园党的党员大会上讲手机。 taipeitimes

It is still a formidable power but has lately been challenged by a feisty new free-sheet, Yisrael Hayom, published by a Jewish- American billionaire, Sheldon Adelson.
如今,它依然保持着强大的实力,但已受到来自新生代自由报纸《今日以色列》的挑战,这份报纸由犹太裔美国亿万富翁谢尔登•安德森主办。 ecocn

Two weeks ago, Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister and leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party, threatened to block all legislative proposals from Labor unless Ariel College's upgrade was approved.
两周前,外交部部长,以色列家园党领导人 Avigdor Lieberman要挟说如果艾里尔学院升级决策不予认可,他所属党派将阻截工党所有立法提案。 yeeyan




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