ying hsiung chih ko
ying hsiung chih ko
A person reaches his majority at the age of 21
A person recently married
A person regarded as being insignificant
a person regarded as contemptible
A person regarded as ferocious or violent
A person regarded as promiscuous
A person regarded as ungainly or dull witted
A person regarded as weak
A person regarded as weak,foolish,or stupid
A person regarded as weak, foolish, or stupid
a person regarded very fondly
a person resistive to change
a person seized by nympholepsy
A person serving a sentence of imprisonment
A person serving as security
A person serving as security;a hostage
A person serving as security; a hostage
A person skilled in the use of a gun
A person specializing in canon law
A person specializing in dietetics
A person standing in a daze
A person standing in a daze,feeling cold is not
a person subjected to daily persecutions
a person subjected to execution
A person suffering from a neurosis
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更新时间:2025/3/31 1:57:40