

单词 yet again
释义 yet again短语¹⁵⁵¹⁶
Given the risk of converging on the wrong solutions yet again, it would be better to let a variety of regulatory models flourish.
再一次将风险集中于一个错误的解决方法,还不如让多样的管理模式活跃起来。 ecocn

It was heartbreak in hockey yet again, so near yet so far.
然而曲棍球又再一次上演了心碎结局,远在天边又近在眼前。 yeeyan

Manufacturing employment offset some of this rise, due largely to normal cycles in the production schedule in the automobile industry. Hours and earnings both showed slow but steady growth, yet again.
制造业的就业情况和一些其他行业就业增长相平衡,因为汽车行业的一些周期性的制造规划.不过工作时间和工资再一次显示了稳定的增长. ecocn

Maybe the tide will reverse, now that America has been laid low yet again by the profligacy of its citizens. But don't bet on it.

Or perhaps he fears giving the army an excuse to meddle openly in politics yet again.
或者可能他害怕再一次让军队有借口公开地干预政治。 ecocn

Then the way we write software will change, yet again.
届时我们编写软件的方式将会改变,再一次。 cnblogs

YET again rival claimants to little specks of rock, sand and coral in the South China Sea are losing their tempers.
又一次对中国南海星罗棋布的岩礁、沙石和珊瑚礁的所属权的争论开始变得激烈起来。 ecocn

Yet again, what seems secure at first sight appears not so secure when performing a full analysis.
然而,第一眼看起来安全的其实在执行完整的分析时并不那么安全。 ibm

Yet again, I have not been invited to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
再一次地,我未被邀请出席在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛。 yeeyan




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