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词汇 yeo
释义 yeo.
But, in keeping with ASEAN's history of non- interference in member states' affairs, Yeo also said the group could do little about Burma's decision.
杨荣文同时表示,遵照东盟不干涉成员国内部事务的传统,东盟对缅甸当局的这项决定几乎不能采取任何行动。 ebigear

Mr Yeo and his slate aside, both opposition and government can claim some sort of satisfaction from the election result, as can voters.
杨荣文及其团队除外,反对党与政府都从选举的结果中得到了满意的结果,选民也较满意。 ecocn

“ We can't do what the big powers can do in terms of trade embargo or freezing bank accounts, ” said Mr Yeo.
杨荣文说:“我们无法像大国那样实施贸易禁运或冻结银行帐户等制裁。” ecocn

“ While organizing the parade, we encountered many obstacles from the government, the police and a bus company, ” said Wai- Wai Yeo, a member of the Hong Kong Pride2008 Organizing Committee.
Wai- Wai Yeo,2008同志尊严游行组委会成员,说道:在组织这次活动中,我们受到了来自政府、警方、巴士公司的各种阻挠。 yeeyan

Britons might have to buy extra carbon trading credits to take more than a couple of flights a year, says Conservative green thinker Tim Yeo.
为了每年可以乘坐两次以上的飞机,英国人们可能不得不购买额外的碳信用额度,保守派绿色思想者蒂姆·杨这样说。 yeeyan

If they do manage it, that would constitute something of a political tsunami by Singaporean standards—and they would also claim a very prominent PAP scalp, that of George Yeo, the foreign minister.
如果他们的确拿下了这一选区,那么以新加坡的标准来看,这将会构成某种政治海啸,而且他们将能斩落一名非常显赫的人民行动党成员——外交部长杨荣文 George Yeo。 ecocn

She had two sons— Kim Jong-chol, now 28, and Kim Jong- un — and a daughter, Kim Yeo-jong,22.
她有两个儿子, Kim Jong- chol,28岁,以及金正云; 还有一个女儿,Kim Yeo-jong,22岁。 yeeyan

Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo says Burma recently approved the charter and will likely formally announce its decision when regional foreign ministers meet Sunday.
新加坡外长杨荣文表示,缅甸最近批准了这部宪章,而且很有可能在星期天各国外长举行会议的时候宣布其决定。 ebigear

Though Yeo would not provide numbers of new hires, he said the company last year was able to choose from an abundance of experienced engineers wanting to join the tech giant.
尽管 Yeo没有提供新员工的具体数字,不过他说去年众多有经验的工程师想要加入这个科技业巨头中来,谷歌能够在数量充沛的申请中进行选择。 yeeyan

While still a chemistry student, hiker Bill Yeo conducted the survey by collecting samples as he climbed most of the way up Everest.
当还是个化学系的学生时,登山爱好者 Bill Yeo就通过从各条路线攀登珠穆朗玛峰以获取样本从而开展对珠峰的研究调查。 yeeyan

Yeo, an environment minister in John Major's government, warns in his book that parts of the world will become inhospitable for people alive today unless tough action is taken soon.
杨是约翰·梅杰政府的环境大臣,他在自己的书中警告说,这个世界上的一些地方将会变得不适宜当代人类生存,除非我们尽快付出艰苦的努力。 yeeyan

Yeo, though, said Google's China-based employees have not faced restrictions that are much different from those elsewhere in the company.
但是 Yeo表示谷歌中国部的员工并没有受到限制,这与公司其他分部情况不一样。 yeeyan

Yeo says in an interview it is a great mistake to assume China is“ completely off the page” on climate change.
杨在一次访问中说,推测中国在气候变化方面已经完全背离了协议是一个巨大的错误。 yeeyan

Yeo says the west could be in for a shock.
杨认为西方社会很可能被中国的成就所震惊。 yeeyan

Yeo spoke late Tuesday in Singapore, where foreign ministers from the10-member organization are holding meetings.
杨荣文星期二晚间在新加坡发表讲话。 东盟10国正在新加坡举行外长会议。




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