

单词 yellow wine
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The annual autumn Yellow Wine Festival in Shaoxing has integrated trade, tourism and culture, and demonstrated to the world the special charm of Shaoxing, the town of yellow wine.
主持人口播:一年一度的金秋“黄酒节”,融商贸、旅游、文化于一体,充分展示绍兴酒乡特有的风情。 blog.sina.com.cn

The brand of Shaoxing Yellow Wine is composed of brand product and brand culture.
绍兴黄酒品牌由品牌产品与品牌文化两个部分构成。 folisha

The new technology of nutritive fermented wine overcame the deficiencies of yellow wine on the technology and flavor, which had the special flavor of Japanese sake and Chinese rice wine.
早籼米营养发酵酒新工艺,克服了中国传统黄酒在工艺上、风味上的不足,兼有日本清酒和中国黄酒的香味感。 cnki

The present paper contrasted the Chinese yellow wine and Japanese sake in material, technology of fermentation, late treatment, content of amino acids and physical and chemical indexes.
从原料、发酵工艺、后处理、氨基酸含量及理化指标等方面比较了中国黄酒与日本清酒的差异。 cnki

The yellow wine yeast made in foliage has many kinds of health care functions.
用植物原料制成的黄酒曲药具有多种保健功能。 chemyq

Warm liquor or yellow wine may be aroma for drinking and some bad substances like aldehyde with low boiling point could be volatilized so as to reduce injurious ingredients.
不管是白酒、黄酒,加温后饮用:一是芳香适口;二是可挥发掉一些沸点低的醛类有害物质,减少有害成分。 com

Chinese Yellow Wine is unique in the world;
中国黄酒,天下一绝; www.hiking.com.cn

Comparing with the autumn in northland, it is just like yellow wine with colorless liquor, rice gruel with steamed bun, and perch with big crab and yellow dog with camel.
比起北国的秋来,正象是黄酒之与白干,稀饭之与馍馍,鲈鱼之与大蟹,黄犬之与骆驼。 yeeyan

Guyuelingshan is the only established band in China's yellow wine industry and the only yellow wine served in state banquet.
“古越龙山”是黄酒行业唯一中国驰名商标,唯一国宴专用黄酒; blog.sina.com.cn

Meanwhile, it was the only material for making the famous Yellow Wine.
同时糯米更是酿造黄酒的主要原料。 qikan

Medlar and rice wine beverage were produced through adding medlar fruit to the yellow wine, the main raw material.
以黄酒为主要原料,添加枸杞汁制成枸杞黄酒复合饮品。 cnki

Now let's go into the town of yellow wine— Shaoxing!
现在让我们一同走进黄酒之乡——绍兴! blog.sina.com.cn

Shaoxing yellow wine is very nutritious and it contains21 types of amino acid according to scientific measurement, among which8 are necessary to the human body.
绍兴黄酒营养丰富,据科学测定含有二十一种氨基酸,其中包括人体必需的但不能自身合成的八种氨基酸。 investsx

Speaking of Shaoxing yellow wine.
要说起绍兴的黄酒。 cctv

The water used in making yellow wine is from Jianhu, where water is quality.
酿制绍兴黄酒的水一向取于水质特好的鉴湖。 investsx

This article introduced the corn yellow wine cause with produce, laying equal stress on to order to introduce its nourishment composition to care the function with the nourishment.
本文简要介绍了玉米黄酒由来和生产,并重点介绍了其营养成分和营养保健作用。 imobilemag

This paper introduces the process technique of yellow wine yeast and the main points during operation.
主要介绍了黄酒曲药的制作工艺及要点。 cnki

With the development of agriculture and the accumulation of grain, yellow wine, which was produced through “ double ferment”, came into being at the end of the primitive society.
随着农业的发达和粮食的增加,原始社会末期,谷物酒即“复式发酵”的黄酒出现。 cnki




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