释义 |
Yellowish red 基本例句 黄红 The order of Df value was: yellowish red soil>silt-loamy soil>kaoline>perlite>paddy soil >kieselguhr. 解吸因数的大小排列顺序为:黄红壤、粉泥土、高岭土、珍珠岩、青紫泥、硅藻土。The content of clay micas in the soils with higher weathering degree, such as lateritic red soil, red soil, yellowish red soil and yellow soil ,was generally low.风化度较高的赤红壤、红壤、黄红壤和黄壤等土类的粘粒云母含量一般较低。The order of the saturated adsorption rate and KA of 60Co at the balance value was: kieselguhr>paddy soil >yellowish red soil>kaoline>perlite>silt-loamy soil. 吸附率和分配系数大小排列顺序相同,为:硅藻土、青紫泥、黄红壤、高岭土、珍珠岩、粉泥土; |