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词汇 yellow fever
释义 yellow fever ˌjeləʊˈfiːvər ☆☆☆☆☆高M短语²³²⁵⁸

caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito近义词 yellow jack黄热病black vomit黑色呕吐
Yellow fever is endemic to parts of central Africa.黄热病是中非一些地区的地方流行病。
You will have to take the vaccination againstyellow feverhere.您必须在我们这里进行黄热病预防接种。 An assessment of yellow fever virus circulation in human, non human primates and vectors was carried out in 2009 by a group of experts of the Yellow Fever Partnership.
2009年黄热病伙伴关系的一个专家组对黄热病病毒在人类、非人类灵长类动物及病媒中的传播进行了评估。 who

The fact that governments in each of these countries have already demonstrated political and financial commitment to yellow fever was decisive in securing this external support.
这些国家的政府已经分别表明了对黄热病的政治和财政承诺,这对于获得这种外部支持具有决定性作用。 who

The index case was identified through routine yellow fever surveillance system.
指示病例是通过常规黄热病监测系统发现的。 who

The report links warmer temperatures to the spread of dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria and even human plague in Europe.
报告认为登革热、黄热病、疟疾,甚至人间鼠疫在欧洲的传播与气温升高有关。 yeeyan

There is no specific treatment for yellow fever, only supportive care to treat dehydration and fever.
对黄热病没有特效治疗方法,支持性治疗只是治疗脱水和发热。 who

As reported, many countries have added yellow fever and hepatitis B vaccines to routine immunization programmes.
据报告,许多国家已将黄热病和乙肝疫苗加到了常规免疫规划之内。 who

Bet sure to budget time and money to get vaccinations like Yellow Fever if you are going through the Suez and Panama canals.
如果你打算穿越苏伊士运河和巴拿马运河,我敢打赌你要准备一部分时间和费用去注射像预防黄热病之类的疫苗。 yeeyan

Both cases were reported by the Yellow fever surveillance system and presented with symptoms of fever and jaundice.
黄热病监测系统报告了这两起病例,这两个病人均呈现发烧和黄疸症状。 who

GAVI is committed to working with all our partners, both globally and in the field, to ensure the success of the Yellow Fever Initiative in Africa.
“全球疫苗和免疫联盟致力于在全球范围并在现场与我们所有的伙伴一道,确保黄热病行动在非洲取得成功”。 who

Mosquito control programmes targeting wild mosquitoes in forested areas are not practical for preventing jungle or sylvatic yellow fever transmission.
在预防丛林型或森林型黄热病传播方面,以林区中野外蚊虫为目标的蚊虫控制规划缺乏可操作性。 who

Particular care should be taken that the vaccine is received only by those travellers truly at risk for yellow fever exposure.
尤其值得注意的是,只有那些确实有暴露于黄热病危险的旅行者才有必要接种疫苗。 who

Samples from the9 cases have been sent for final confirmation to the WHO Collaborating Centre for Yellow Fever, the Pasteur Institute at Dakar, Senegal.
已将这9例的样本送往世卫组织黄热病合作中心即塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所进行最后确认。 who

She had no history of yellow fever vaccination and survived.
患者没有黄热病疫苗的接种史,并随后存活。 who

So the floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.
因此,斯瓦特和印度河流域的洪水,就像荷兰的黄热病蚊子一样,是形势可能恶化的象征。 yeeyan

The infected mosquitoes bite humans entering the forest, resulting in occasional cases of yellow fever.
受感染的蚊子叮咬进入林区的人,导致偶尔出现黄热病病例。 who

The case, was laboratory confirmed at the national laboratory in Monrovia and at the Pasteur Institute, Dakar, Senegal, a regional reference laboratory and WHO Collaborating Centre for Yellow Fever.
该病例经蒙罗维亚国家实验室和塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所确诊。巴斯德研究所是区域参考实验室,也是世卫组织黄热病合作中心。 who

The yellow fever vaccine used must be approved by WHO.
使用的黄热病疫苗必须经世卫组织批准。 who

They also transmit devastating diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile fever and dengue.
它们同时也在传播疾病,如黄热病、西尼罗河热和登革热。 ecocn

This preventive campaign was part of the global Yellow Fever Initiative which aims to prevent yellow fever epidemics and secure adequate yellow fever vaccine supply for Africa.
这次预防性活动是全球黄热病行动的组成部分,该行动的目标是预防黄热病流行,并使非洲获取足够的黄热病疫苗供应。 who

Travelers, particularly those arriving to Asia from Africa or Latin America must have a certificate of yellow fever vaccination.
旅行者,尤其是从非洲或拉丁美洲前往亚洲的旅行者,必须有黄热病疫苗接种证明。 who

Vaccination is the single most important measure for preventing yellow fever.
疫苗接种是预防黄热病的一项最重要的措施。 who

Yellow fever reappeared in these regions after an absence of more than20 years.
在20多年没有黄热病之后,它在这些区再次出现进行。 who




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