

单词 yellow croaker
释义 yellow croaker 'krəʊkə 短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
Frozen Yellow Croaker, Frozen Squid, Frozen Sea Bass, Frozen Mackerel.
冻大黄鱼,冻鱿鱼,冻鲈鱼,冻鲭砖鱼。 lx128

Genetic linkage maps were constructed for large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena croce a Richardson 1846 using AFLP and microsatellite markers in an F1 family.
本研究利用 AFLP和微卫星标记,以一个 F1家系为作图群体,构建了大黄鱼遗传连锁图谱。 fabiao

In some places people eat Five Yellows, like realgar wine, finless eel, yellow croaker, cucumber and salted duck eggs for the same reason.
有的地方还要在端午节吃“五黄”,指的是雄黄酒、黄鳝、黄鱼、黄瓜、咸鸭蛋,据说也是如此。 blog.sina.com.cn

Is the province's yellow croaker preserved area.
是省级的大黄鱼自然保护区。 kuenglish

Little eats the meats, oil e meat food and so on seafood class prosperous, like goose meat, shrimp, chicken, crab, hairtail, yellow croaker.
少吃肉类、海鲜类等油峨荤腥食昌,如鹅肉、虾、鸡肉、蟹、带鱼、黄鱼。 tijianzhinan

Objective: To study the relation between specific spoilage organisms and remaining shelf life for cultured large yellow croaker under Modified Atmosphere Packaging.
目的:探讨气调保鲜养殖大黄鱼中特定腐败菌与剩余货架期的关系。 caesv

The results indicated that the diet species fed by small yellow croaker had24 species, with fishes and crustaceans as the main groups, which accounted for93.7% of the food weight.
结果表明,小黄鱼摄食的饵料种类多达24种,鱼类和甲壳类是其主要的饵料类群,两者在食物中所占的重量百分比之和为93.7%。 cnki

These results indicate that lysozyme and tyrosinase play an important role in immune defence of V. parahaemolyticus in large yellow croaker.
表明大黄鱼血清中的溶菌酶和酪氨酸酶参与了机体对副溶血弧菌的免疫防御。 fabiao




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