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词汇 yeild
释义 yeild 英jiːld美jiːld BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
vt. & vi. 生产,出产

give a natural product, a result or profit

vt. & vi. 放弃; 不再反对

give up; cease opposition

C U 产量,收益

that which is yielded or produced

production of a certain amountthe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property;

the average return was about 5%

an amount of a productthe quantity of something as a commodity that is created usually within a given period of time;

production was up in the second quarter

be the cause or source of;

He gave me a lot of trouble

Our meeting afforded much interesting information

end resistance, as under pressure or force;

The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram

give or supply;

The cow brings in 5 liters of milk

This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn

The estate renders some revenue for the family

give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of anothergive in, as to influence or pressuremove in order to make room for someone for something;

The park gave way to a supermarket

`Move over,' he told the crowd

cause to happen or be responsible for;

His two singles gave the team the victory

be willing to concede;

I grant you this much

be fatally overwhelmedbring in;

interest-bearing accounts

How much does this savings certificate pay annually?

be flexible under stress of physical force;

This material doesn't give

cease opposition; stop fightingconsent reluctantly
yield, bear, produce, turn out


bear表示“产仔或结果实”,可引申指“再生产”; produce的用法更广,可指生产一切有形的或无形的东西; yield也表示生产,但强调结果与回报,而不是所做的努力; turn out强调结果,但同时还侧重先前付出的劳动与艰辛。例如:

The soil bears good cotton.这种土壤出产优质棉花。
Gas can be produced from coal.煤气可从煤中提制。
His business yields big profits.他的生意带来巨大的利润。
This factory can turn out 100 cars a day.这家工厂每天能生产一百辆汽车。yield, submit, surrender


submit指顺从别人的意志,服从权威的力量; 而yield指被迫停止对抗,向对方屈服; surrender指因战败,或被迫“交出”或“放弃”某些事物。











用作动词 v.
~+名词yield apples结出苹果yield benefit带来益处yield crops长出庄稼yield fruit获得成果yield milk产出牛奶yield profit获利yield fortress放弃要塞yield purpose放弃目标yield town交出城镇~+副词yield abundantly出产丰富yield finally最终产出yield meekly温顺地听从yield peacefully不战而降yield poorly产量低yield scantily产量不高yield up交出~+介词yield before向…屈服yield to向…屈服yield under在…下屈服用作名词 n.动词+~increase the yield提高产量形容词+~average〔total〕 yield平均〔总〕产量current yield目前收益enormous yield丰收名词+~egg yield产蛋量harvest yield农作物收获量~+介词yield from fruit trees果树的水果产量yield of fruit水果产量yield on…的收益
yield to v.+prep.

被…推动 be able to be moved by (sth)

yield to sb/sthWe shall never yield to a conqueror.我们永远不会向征服者低头。
He will soon be forced to yield to his more experienced opponent.他很快就得被迫向更有经验的对手屈服。
She yielded to her daughter's request.她同意女儿的要求。
We will never yield to force.我们决不会向暴力屈服。
Yielding to demands from the public, the Minister made a statement.那位部长在公众的敦促下发表了声明。
You will meet much evil in life; try not to yield to temptation.你将在生活中遇到许多邪恶,千万不可受其诱惑。yield to sthIt's best to yield to your grief for a time, then you will be able to deal with your feelings.眼下你不要遏制自己悲痛的心情,过后你会控制住自己的感情的。yield oneself to sthYielding himself to his feelings of worthlessness, he tried to kill himself.他总是觉得自己一无是处,便企图自杀。yield to sb/sthI'm leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield to a younger man.在该公司任职这么些年后,我就要离开了,因为我觉得应当给比我年轻的人让位。
The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm spring.漫长的严冬终于结束,代之而来的是温暖的春天。yield place to sthHer keenness for sport soon yielded place to an interest in music.她对音乐的兴趣很快替代了她对体育运动的热心。
A difficult situation yielded place to a favorable one.困难的局面让位于顺利局面。yield to sthAt last the stiff door began to yield to our efforts to push it open.最后,那扇紧关着的门开始经不住我们使劲的推动了。
yield up v.+adv.

交出 give possession of (usually sth to sb)

yield sth ⇔ up to sbAre the citizens still refusing to yield up the town?市民们仍然拒绝放弃那城池吗?
The sea will never yield up its secrets.大海将永远不会公诸它的秘密。
It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.在公共汽车上给老妇人让座是礼貌的。近义词 returngive upproduceharvestpaymentproductv. bearinterestsurrendern. crop反义词 takeseizeresistreservev. attack
S+~+AThis land yields well.这块土地产量高。
The mine has yielded poorly.这矿井产量低。
The dam eventually yielded and collapsed under the weight of water.水坝在水的压力下终于决口了。
The shelf is beginning to yield under the heavy weight.在重压下架子就要垮了。
We shall never yield.我们绝不投降。
He would rather die than yield.他宁死不降。
Tom tried to make Janet change her mind, but she would not yield.汤姆想使珍尼特改变想法,但她不会让步的。
S+~+ n./pron.Land yields crops.土地生长农作物。
This old tree still yields apples every year.这棵老树仍然每年结苹果。
A cow will yield several gallons of milk each day.一头母牛每天产几加仑的牛奶。
Cotton can be treated to yield many kinds of products.棉花经过加工后可以制成许多种产品。
Their long search failed to yield any clues.他们长时间的搜寻没有找到任何线索。
His business yields big profits.他的企业获利大。
Their advice to us yielded many benefits.他们给我们的忠告带来了很大的益处。
Much thinking yields wisdom.多思出智慧。
The terrorists have yielded two of their hostages.恐怖分子交出了两名人质。
The enemy yielded a fortress.敌人放弃了要塞。
I will not yield a step.我决不退让一步。
After some further argument,I yielded the point.又进行了一些辩论后,我在这点上让步了。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She yielded me her books.她把书让给了我。
This article yielded us great profit.这东西给我们带来了很大的利益。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.She yielded her property to me.她把她的财产让给我了。
We'll never yield ground to the enemy.我们决不会将阵地放弃给敌人的。用作名词n.All these have helped raise farm yields steadily.所有这些都有助于农业产量的稳步提高。
The yields on his shares have increased in this year.今年他的股票红利提高了。



用作名词Wheatyieldsdoubled last year.去年小麦产量翻了一番。




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