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词汇 Yehuda
释义 Yehuda
n.耶胡达位于巴勒斯坦地区;东经 34º50' 北纬 32º02'
Gil Yehuda, the director of open source at Yahoo, says that a lot of companies are willing to release code but are reluctant to take contributions.
雅虎开源方面的主管吉尔·耶胡达说,有很多公司希望发放代码,但不愿意接受贡献。 yeeyan

“ It was a very small place, and filled with date palms, ” he said in an interview at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center in Or Yehuda, Israel, where he is the research director.
“那是一个很小的镇子,到处都是枣椰树”,在巴比伦犹太遗产中心举办的一次采访上,耶胡达如是说,那时他还是遗产调查小组的组长。 yeeyan

“ Using as much information as you can is very important, ” said Yehuda Koren, an AT&T Labs researcher, who was part of the group that achieved the results.
“运用好你能得到尽可能多的信息非常重要。” AT&T实验室研究员耶胡迪柯伦说。 yeeyan

I'm a great fan of Yehuda's refactorings and I really hope the new internal API will open the way for something like Cells.
我也是 Yehuda重构的粉丝,我真心希望一个新的内嵌 API能够帮助它实现一些 Cells的功能。 infoq

Mr. Yehuda, a Jewish historian who was born in Kifl in 1936, recalled the town through the nostalgic prism of childhood, capturing the reverence it seems to have always inspired.
耶胡达先生,一位凯福尔镇土生土长的犹太历史学家,至今回忆起这个城镇,想到的就是童年的迷恋乡土,还有自古以来就有的神圣膜拜。 yeeyan

Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of East Anglia, and graduate student Stuart Jenkins studied profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers.

Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of East Anglia, and graduate Stuart Jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers.

Yehuda cites transparency, trust, motivation to write better code, and recognition for contributors as some of the benefits of such an arrangement.
对于这种安排的好处,耶胡达举出了几点:透明、信任、写出更好代码的动力,以及对贡献者的承认。 yeeyan

Yehuda Katz's blog: Katz is a core Rails contributor and a chief architect of the integration of Merb and Rails.
Yehuda Katz的博客: Katz是 Rails的核心贡献者,同时也是 Merb和 Rails整合的首席架构师。 ibm




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