

单词 years old
释义 years old短语⁷⁴⁸
One of my few vivid recollections of early childhood has to do with a winter morning when I was four years old.
在我早年儿时为数不多的几个记忆中,最栩栩如生的一件事是与一个冬天的早晨有关。那时我才四岁。 yeeyan

The biggest spender on romantic gifts this year will be a male between16 and34 years old who has been in a relationship for one to two years, but does not live with his partner.
计划今年圣诞节花大钱买浪漫礼物的人是年龄在16岁到34岁之间的男性。他们一般已经谈了一两年的恋爱,但是都还没有跟恋人生活在一起。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

“ It is their own business as they are all over18 years old, but the point is that they live on their parents, not themselves,” said Zou.
邹主任说:“这是他们自己的事,因为他们都是超过18岁的成年人了,但关键是他们现在还是靠父母供养,自己还没有经济来源。” cri

He wore shoes that looked30 years old, too small for his feet with holes all over them, his toes stuck out.
从他穿的鞋来看,他大约30岁,不过他的鞋也太小了,他的脚都把它们撑破了,脚趾全都露出鞋外。 ebigear

His family moved to Vienna when he was four years old, and though he often claimed he hated the city, he lived there until it was occupied by Germany in1938.
当他在四岁的时候,他的家庭搬到了维也纳,虽然他时常宣称,他厌恶这个城市,可是他却依旧住在那里,直到该地在1938年被德国占领为止。 yeeyan

I saw some specimens in museum collections that are over100 years old.
我曾经在博物馆看见过一些保存了超过100年的标本。 yeeyan

Moreover, the average game buyer is41 years old.
此外,游戏购买者的平均年龄是41岁。 yeeyan




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