

单词 yearnings
释义 yearnings ˈjɜ:nɪŋz COCA³⁸⁶⁹¹BNC⁴⁷⁴³⁵
n.思念;渴望yearning的名词复数原型yearning的复数 Crumbling markets, huge layoffs and widespread financial panic have unleashed a giant wave of creative yearnings.
变得颤颤微微的市场,大量下岗还有大面积惊恐已经释放了一个创造力渴求的巨大浪潮。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is always too early or too late for love in a Wong Kar Wai film, and his characters spend their days in yearnings and regrets.
置身于王家卫电影中的感觉不是太早,就是太晚。他的人物不是活在憧憬中,就是活在悔恨中。 blog.sina.com.cn

The wretched are in this respect fortunate, that they have the strongest yearnings after happiness; and to desire is in some sense to enjoy.
就这一点而言,不幸者是幸运的,因为他们对幸福怀有最强烈的渴望;而渴望在某种意义上就是享受。 readersdigest

The tune, like the scenery, was sweet, imaginative, full of yearnings and kind of melancholy that no one could resist.
曲调甜美,与周围的景物和谐交融,充满着想象、渴望和一种令人难以克制的惆怅之情。 blog.sina.com.cn

They are the yearnings of our heart, the driving force of who we are.
梦想是我们内心的渴望,是我们做什么样的人的驱动力。 yeeyan

With no time to think the yearnings gave up everything for a shot.
来不及细想思念从此孤注一掷。 cswh.92doc.com

a way to acknowledge that faith can be taken seriously as a response to deep human yearnings without needing to subscribe to the formality of organised belief.
一种方式去认同一种道理,即信仰在被人们严肃对待的时候,这种行为则可以做为一种对人类心里深处向往的反应,而无需我们去对某种既定信念履行正规仪式。 ecocn

Clouds passing in the sky are my yearnings for you.
天边飞过的是我对你思念的云朵。 cswh.92doc.com

Growing research suggests that odd food yearnings-- and food aversions-- may protect the fetus.
越来越多的研究表明对一些奇怪食物的偏好——和厌恶——可能是出于保护胎儿的缘故。 ebigear

He eschewed Robespierre’s yearnings for“ moral virtue”, preferring pragmatic paths to national rejuvenation.
丹东回避了罗伯斯庇尔对“道德美德”的渴求,他偏爱实用主义之途,胜过国家复兴之愿。 ecocn

In this election year, Americans are looking for leadership that can turn spiritual yearnings into practical realities.
在这个大选之年,美国在寻找一位能将精神诉求转化为现实的领导。 yeeyan

Surely from these records there can come help to mankind in our confusions and perplexities and in our yearnings for peace.
当然,那些记载一定会对处于困惑、茫然和渴望和平的人们有所助益。 zgob

The clouds go away, taking away our illusion, but not our deeply yearnings.
远去的白云,带走了少年画一般的梦幻,带不走我们心中深深的怀念。 blog.sina.com.cn

The murder, with its scratched poetic yearnings, sets Wesley and Aurelia on a quest that lasts two decades.
仅靠这次凶杀中残留的诗句,使韦斯利和 Aurelia花费了二十年的时间来寻找凶手。 ecocn

They felt strong yearnings toward home.
他们封家乡有着强烈的思念之情。 www.1stenglish.com

With small backpacks and large yearnings, we left our parents' home in Massachusetts.
带着强烈的渴望之心,跨上简单的行李我们离开了马萨诸塞州父母的家。 blog.sina.com.cn




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