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词汇 yearning
释义 yearn·ing 英ˈjɜːnɪŋ美ˈjɝnɪŋAHDyûrʹnĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA¹⁹⁰¹⁷BNC³⁰³¹⁶iWeb²³⁷⁸⁹Economist¹³⁹⁴¹

prolonged unfulfilled desire or needyearn渴望
来自yearnv.渴望近义词 ache痛yen日元urge驱策taste味觉desire渴望thirst渴望liking喜欢longing渴望craving渴望hunger 饥饿weakness软弱ambition雄心hankering渴望nostalgia乡愁wistful渴望的envious嫉妒的preference偏爱aspiring渴望的desirous渴望的hungriness饥饿

用作名词It showed man'syearningfor happiness and love.它表现了人类对爱情幸福的渴望与追求。
There was ayearninglook in his eyes.他两眼流露出思慕的神情。用作形容词All that they do is cry to God withyearninghearts.他们所做的只是用渴望的心来对神大喊。
Theyearningstreet begins to escape; the escaping person begins to be yearned.令我们怀念的地方已经消失了;那些消失的人仍然令我们怀念。noun.desire
同义词 ambition,appetite,aspiration,craving,eagerness,fascination,hankering,hunger,longing,passion,thirstache,craze,fancy,infatuation,liking,love,need,urge,want
反义词 apathy,disinterest,dislike,distaste,hate,hatred,indifference,satisfaction,comfort,plenty
amatoryadjective affectionate, desirous
ambitionnoun strong desire for success
appetite,ardor,aspiration,avidity,craving,desire,drive,eagerness,earnestness,emulation,energy,enterprise,enthusiasm,fire in belly,get up and go,hankering,hope,hunger,initiative,itch,keenness,longing,love,lust,moxie,passion,pretension,push,right stuff,spirit,striving,thirst,vigor,yearning,zeal
ambitionsnoun strong desire for success
appetites,ardors,aspirations,avidities,cravings,desires,drives,eagerness,earnestness,emulations,energies,enterprises,enthusiasms,fire in bellies,get up and gos,hankerings,hopes,hunger,initiatives,itches,keenness,longings,loves,lust,moxies,passions,pretensions,pushes,right stuffs,spirits,strivings,thirsts,vigor,yearnings,zeal
anxiousadjective eager
appetencenoun desire
appetencynoun desire
appetence,appetite,craving,drive,hunger,liking,longing,lust,penchant,pining,thirst,urge,wish,yearning And without--the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.
一场没有硝烟的美丑之战;一个被抛掷在陌生、丑陋、卑鄙的荒原上的孩子,对一切纯洁、古老、高尚的传统的渴望。 yeeyan

The knowledge that wine was forbidden sharpened his yearning for “the permitted flavours of melons and grapes” that flourished in Kabul.
得知酒被禁止以后,他对喀布尔丰富的“允许吃的甜瓜和葡萄“的渴望进一步增加了。 ecocn

The voice of your heart is always true and it points to your deep seated yearning.
你心的声音永远是真实的,它指出你内心深处的向往。 yeeyan

“ I send you the tanks of my love, bullets of my admiration and a rocket of my yearning, ” one popular message reads.
有一条流行短信是这样写的:“我为你送上爱的坦克,倾慕的子弹和一架思念的火箭。” cri

And let us look to the future with confidence and hope not only for our own country, but for all those yearning for freedom around the world.
让我们充满信心和希望展望未来,不仅为我们自己的国家,也为全世界所有向往自由的人们。 yeeyan

And since Syria’s protesters have started to express their democratic yearning, Mr Assad has been matching Colonel Qaddafi’s brutality.
在叙利亚的示威者开始表达他们对民主的向往时,阿萨德的表现就是和卡扎菲的时行有一拼了。 ecocn

But as the yearning for democracy stirs in the Arab world, a wave set off in tiny Tunisia, travelling east through the Maghreb, is now rocking giant Egypt.
但当对民主的渴望在阿拉伯世界蠢蠢欲动时,要求改革的浪潮最早在小国突尼斯掀起,随之向东蔓延至马格里布地区,如今正冲击着大国埃及。 ecocn

But I am not“ yearning” for some archetypal End of Days, because that's not what we face.
但我并没有“渴望”什么典型的世界末日,因为那不是我们所要面临的。 yeeyan

But that overlooks an ingredient in the national motivation that may not spring as much from boot- camp parenting as it does from a pervasive, deeply felt yearning for knowledge.
但这一想法忽视了这一全国性动力的一个要素。与其说这一要素可能来源于集中营式的家庭教育,不如说它更多地来自于对知识的一种普遍的深深渴望。 yeeyan

Fado is a bittersweet style music filled with longing and yearning.
法朵是一种苦乐参半风格的音乐,充满了乡愁和渴望。 yeeyan

I could barely sleep, I was yearning for her, I dreamed of her, thought I could feel her until I realized that I was clutching the pillow or the blanket.
我辗转反侧,怎么也睡不着,我在渴望她,我梦到过她,以为我能够触摸到她的身体,直到我意识到,我竟在紧紧抓住枕头或毯子。 yeeyan

I had a yearning to travel and visit places I had only read about.
我渴望去旅行,去访问我以前读书所知道的那些地方。 yeeyan

I strained with the same yearning towards the world of men in my youth, as I did in my childhood towards outside nature from within the chalk- ring drawn round me by the servants.
我在青年时期对人世也怀着一种热望,就像我在童年时站在仆人用粉笔画的圆圈里向往外界的自然一样。 yeeyan

I tell myself that I'm not so much yearning for free refills as I'm longing for that feeling of belonging anywhere I happen to be.
我告诉自己,我对免费续咖啡这事儿并不怎么怀念,倒是那些偶然去的地方给我一种归属感,叫我渴望。 yeeyan

If you find yourself waiting to be great, yearning for the optimal time when you can“ afford” to do more, then you are saying at some level, if you can’t help everyone, you help no one.
如果你发现自己等着变得伟大,渴望着最佳时间当你可以“负担得起”去做更多事情的时候,那么在一定程度上说,如果你不能帮助每个人,你对谁都没有好处。 yeeyan

I'm wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through tears, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart; but really with it, and in it.

Its chief symptom is a yearning for the loved one so intense that it strips a person of other desires.
它的主要症状表现为人对于所爱的人的强烈的思念和渴望使得这个人再无其他愿望。 yeeyan

My yearning for Perry must have been written all over my face.
对佩里的想念之情想必一定书写在脸上了。 yeeyan

That was another homemade record haunted by mortality with blurred words that nonetheless managed to communicate a powerful and highly personal sense of spiritual yearning.
这是又一张伴随着模糊却仍设法传达出了一种有力并且高度个人化的精神渴望感的字眼的自制唱片。 yeeyan

The episodes drove other family members and friends away, and at night, home alone, Deborah would throw herself on her bed and literally howl in anguish, yearning for the man she married.
这些事情让其他亲朋好友都远远离去。晚上,当一个人孤零零地回到家中的时候,黛博拉一头扑到床上,怀着对自己嫁给的那个男人的痛苦和渴望号啕大哭起来。 yeeyan

The technology revolution, epitomized by the Internet, will empower both people yearning for democracy and repressive tyrants.
以因特网为象征的技术革命将同时赋予人们对民主与专政的向往。 yeeyan

There are occasions when obscurity serves a literary yearning, if not a literary purpose, and there are writers whose mien is more overcast than clear.
如果不是出于文学的目的,有的场合晦涩可以满足文学的渴望,而且有的作家的风格与其说清晰不如说灰暗。 yeeyan

You say that you detect in my writing a yearning for apocalypse.
你说你在我的文章里发现一种对大灾难的渴望。 yeeyan




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