

单词 biological
释义 bi·o·log·i·cal 英ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl美ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəlAHDbī'ə-lŏjʹĭ-kəl ★★☆☆☆高IM四COCA³¹⁶⁸BNC³⁷⁵¹iWeb⁴¹⁸⁴Economist⁴⁹⁷⁸

pertaining to biology or to life and living thingsof parents and children; related by blood;

biological child

biological clock人体时钟,生物钟…biological control生物学防治,生物防治…biological warfare生物战biological mother生母biological diversity生物多类状态,生物差…biological and chemical weapons生化武器biological warfare agent生物战剂biological weapon生物武器,细菌武器…biodiversity生物多样性biological monitoring生物检验体,生物监测…biological filter生物滤池,生物过滤池…biological value生物价值,生物价,生…biological degradation生物体退化biological activity生物学的活性,生物活…biological treatment生物处理biological shield生物屏蔽,生物学遮护…biological cycle生物循环,生物周期…biological effect生物效果biological agent生物战剂,生物制剂…biological assay生物鉴定,生物测定,…
非常记忆bio生物〖词缀〗+logical合逻辑的〖熟词〗⇒生物学的理论都必须合乎逻辑bi生物+o连接字母+log学科+ical形容词后缀⇒生物学的。词根记忆bio生命+logical…学的 →生命学的→生物学的近义词 life一生birth分娩true真实的natal出生的living活着的organic器官的natural自然的genetic遗传的biologic生物的biotic有关生命的反义词 adoptive收养的

The school has a largebiologicallaboratory.这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。
Biological ways will be revered as ideal ways.生物学的方式将被推崇为理想的方式。
Eugenics has abiologicalsignificance.优生学在生物学上有重要意义。adj.concerning life
同义词 organiclife,living
organicadjective basic, natural
amoebic,anatomical,animate,basal,biotic,cellular,constitutional,elemental,essential,fundamental,inherent,innate,integral,live,living,necessary,nuclear,original,plasmic,primary,prime,primitive,principal,structural,vital And the problem with malicious biological inventions— unlike, say, guns and explosives—is that once released, they can breed by themselves.
那些有害的生物发明带来的问题——不像那些枪和炸弹——一旦产生问题,他们能够自行生存。 ecocn

It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other If you're a biological system, you're burning calories, burning ATP.

The disparity cannot be explained by any apparent biological factors.
这不一致不能用任何表面生物因素来解释。 yeeyan

To that end, the film offers the mainstream scientific view on homosexuality— that it is a normal biological variation, not a choice or an illness.
最后,电影给出了一些同性恋的主流科学观点——这是一个正常的生物变化,并不是个人选择或者一种病。 yeeyan

“ If we find these genes and are able to understand their biological function, this could ultimately lead to better treatment, ” she said.
“如果我们能发现这些基因而且能理解它们的生物学功能,这将最终导致更好的治疗效果。”她说。 yeeyan

“ No shrewd user” of a biological weapon“is going to give you that opportunity,” he warned.
“没有一个精明的生物武器使用者会给你那个机会,”他警告说。 yeeyan

But because we have grown up with biological systems and have had no alternatives, we have always accepted their costs without evaluation.
但由于我们是伴随着生物系统长大的,而且别无选择,所以我们总是不加考虑地接受它们的成本。 yeeyan

Eugenics has a biological significance.

Even the fact that such an infection might itself be the result of synthetic biology only emphasises the biological nature of future risks.
即便传染病本身是由合成生物学所致的这一事实也仅仅是强调了未来风险的生物学属性。 ecocn

He failed to add, however, that these preferences are often the result of biological differences between the sexes.
然而他没有补充,这些生活方式的选择经常是两性间生物学特性差异的结果。 ecocn

He studies the biological basis for behavior, and one of his specialties is to try to figure out how a killer's brain differs from yours and mine.
他研究这种行为的生物学基础。他的专门研究之一就是试图找出冷血杀手的大脑与你我的大脑有何不同。 yeeyan

If so, this would add to a growing list of physiological and biological markers of sexual orientation.
如果是这样,这可能会给生理和生物学上的性取向标记增加一长串名单。 yeeyan

It means that if I have a biological cell, or some container with a membrane through which one of the constituents might pass.

Moreover, the fact that the biological basis does not prevent drug use from coming under the influence of costs and benefits has implications for society.
另外,因为成本利益核算而做出的吸毒行为和生物学基础是无关的。 这个事实应当具有更广泛的社会意义。 yeeyan

Scientists have said repeatedly that there is no known biological mechanism to explain how it might lead to cancer or other health problems.
科学家们再三强调:没有任何已知的生物学方法可以说明手机辐射会引起癌变或其它健康问题。 yeeyan

Some scientists began to think of new ways of mining more information from biological systems.
于是一些科学家开始构想从生物系统中获取更多数据的新手段。 ecocn

That is, death is not only a biological threat, and a very permanent one, but it is also a psychological threat that we dread.
也就是说,死亡不仅仅是生物学上的威胁,一个永远的威胁,而且也是一种在心理上让我们恐惧的威胁。 yeeyan

The only ultimate concerns were biological warfare aspects of this, but gave us the go ahead to start these experiments for the reasons we were doing them.
唯一根本性的担忧是在生物武器方面,不过,只有开始进行这些实验之后,我们才能找出从事这一切真正是为了什么。 yeeyan

The specialized organ, then, acts as a kind of biological laboratory for evolutionary experiments with electricity production.
这种专门发电的器官就像一个为产生电流而做着进化试验的生物实验室。 yeeyan

There could be biological reasons for this.
这里面也可能有生物学上的原因。 edu.sina.com.cn

They discovered a particular enzyme, or biological catalyst protein, seemed to be crucial to the process.
他们发现,有一种特别的酶,或生物催化剂蛋白质,似乎是这个过程的关键。 yeeyan

This is because they code for something other than the proteins that are expressed in human cells and that regulate biological processes.
之所以这样说是因为这些基因编码的并不是能够在人类细胞中表达并且调控某些生物过程的蛋白质。 ecocn




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