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词汇 yavin
释义 yavinCOCA¹⁶⁷²⁴⁷
Calrissian again called upon his friend to help in the establishment of GemDiver Station, a mining colony that harvested precious stones from the atmosphere of Yavin.

It was founded more than350 years before the Battle of Yavin by the leading transport and mercantile forces of the era.
在雅文战役350多年前,当时运输业和商业的领导力量成立了贸易联盟。 starwarsfans

She entrusted Katarn with that fateful mission to Danuta, and after the Battle of Yavin, Katarn was instrumental in quelling the threat of the Imperial dark trooper project.
蒙·莫思玛把达努塔上的那个重大任务托付给卡塔恩。雅文战役后,卡塔恩协助粉碎了帝国黑暗士兵项目的威胁。 starwarschina

The New Republic Historical Council set the year of the Battle of Yavin to the year zero, adopting the current date system.
新共和国历史委员会把雅汶战争爆发的年份设为元年,并沿用了当时的日期计算系统。 starwarschina

After the collapse of the resurrected Emperor's campaign to snuff out the Republic, the few surviving members of the Inquisitorius learned of Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin4.
重生皇帝扼杀新共和国的战役失败后,少数幸存的裁判所成员获悉卢克·天行者在雅文4号卫星建了绝地学院。 starwarschina

After escaping from the Death Star, Han took the Rebels to their base on Yavin4.
逃离死星后,汉把他们送到起义军在雅文4号卫星的基地。 starwarschina

Anakin followed Asajj through hyperspace to the ancient Sith temples of Yavin4.
阿纳金尾随阿萨吉穿过超空间来到雅文4号卫星上的古西斯神殿。 starwarschina

At this time, Luke Skywalker was gathering candidates for his newly formed Jedi academy on Yavin4.
与此同时,卢克·天行者正在为他在雅文4号卫星上新组建的绝地学院招募学员。 starwarschina

Born on Kashyyyk over two centuries before the Battle of Yavin, Chewbacca was a wise, sophisticated being with exceptional skills in starship piloting and repair.
丘巴卡在雅文战役前两个多世纪出生于卡西克。他是一个机智、老练的人,在飞船导航和修理方面有着不同寻常的技艺。 starwarschina

During the Alliance's evacuation of the Yavin Base, Solo and Chewbacca helped the Alliance obtain a power gem from the space pirate Raskar.
在盟军撤离雅文基地的行动中,汉和丘巴卡协助盟军从太空海盗拉斯卡处获取了一块能量石。 starwarschina

During the mass exodus of Yavin to Hoth, Admiral Griff miscalculated his task force's hyperspace jump, bringing the three Destroyers out on top of the Executor.
在从雅文到霍斯的大规模转移中,格里夫上将算错了其特遣队的超空间跳跃坐标,导致三艘歼星舰出现在“执行者号”顶部。 starwarschina

General Jan Dodonna conceived of the A-wing starfighter design after analyzing the role raw speed played in the Battle of Yavin, and researching the performance of Tammuz- an R-22 Spearhead fighters.
简·多登纳将军分析了原始速度在雅文战役中的作用,研究了塔穆兹-昂 R-22“矛头”战斗机后,构思了 A翼星际战斗机的设计。 starwarsfans

General Jan Dodonna was the wizened tactician and strategist of the Rebel base at the Massassi site on Yavin4.
在雅文四号卫星马萨西遗址的义军基地里,清瘦的简·多登纳将军是一位战术家和战略家。 starwarschina

His health failing, Dodonna opted to stay behind during the Yavin evacuation, and detonate a series of concussion charges hidden among the ruins.
由于健康状况恶化,多登纳选择在雅文大撤退期间留在后方,然后引爆了一系列隐藏在废墟中的震荡炸弹。 starwarsfans

Months after the Battle of Yavin, Vader devised a devious scheme to capture Luke.
雅文战役几个月后,维德设计了一个狡猾的阴谋以期抓住卢克。 starwarsfans

Shortly thereafter, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo rescued her from the battle station and carried her and the stolen plans to the Rebel base on Yavin's fourth moon.
此后不久,卢克·天行者和汉·索洛来到太空站,将她营救出来,并把她和偷来的图纸送到了位于雅文四号卫星的起义军基地。 fishyp

The warship then set forth to Yavin4, where the Rebels were in the midst of a rushed evacuation.
然后这艘战舰驶往雅文4号卫星,此时义军正在匆忙撤离那里。 starwarschina

They were instrumental in creating a diversion while the core Rebel group abandoned their base on the fourth moon of Yavin.
在义军核心小组放弃雅文四号卫星上的基地时,他们帮忙分散了帝国的注意力。 starwarschina

Tragedy struck General Dodonna during the Yavin evacuation, as his son Commander Vrad Dodonna was killed during an attack run on the Super Star Destroyer Executor.
雅文大撤退期间,悲剧降临多登纳将军,他的儿子弗拉德·多登纳在运动中攻击超级歼星舰“执行者号”时阵亡。 starwarsfans

Wedge earned a post in Red Squadron at the Battle of Yavin, where he first met Luke Skywalker.
在雅文战役中,韦奇是红色中队的一员。他在那里第一次见到卢克·天行者。 starwarsfans

When the Death Star arrived in the Yavin system, Dodonna formulated the Rebels' crucial attack run strategy of the Battle of Yavin, and briefed the Rebel pilots as to its logistics.
死星进入雅文星系时,多登纳谋划了义军在雅文战役中至关重要的运动中攻击策略,并就其后勤保障向义军飞行员做了简短报告。 starwarschina

Years after the Battle of Yavin, enough TIE Advanced fighters had been produced to end up on the open market.
雅文战役几年后,足够多的 TIE高级战斗机被生产出来,最后进入公开市场。 starwarschina

Yavin remained, as Yavin Four, the jungle moon.




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