

单词 yat-sen
释义 yat-senCOCA⁸⁵¹⁴³BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
His first stop is Nanjing where the late Sun Yat-sen's tomb is located.
吴伯雄首站抵达南京,这里是孙中山先生陵寝所在地。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Zhang plays Sun Yat-Sen in the movie“ Bodyguards and Assassins”.
张涵予在电影《十月围城》中扮演孙中山。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A prominent supporter is Xiao Bin of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, the provincial capital.
省会城市广州中山大学的肖滨就是一位重要支持者。 yeeyan

A republic had already been declared by the national assembly in Nanjing and Sun Yat-sen had been elected as president.
那就是孙中山的南京政府已经宣布实行共和政体了,总统就是孙中山。 yeeyan

An‘ Institute of Civil Society’ has quietly opened at the local Sun Yat-sen University.
一所‘公民社会学院’在当地的中山大学静静的成立了。 yeeyan

Dr Sun Yat-sen led the 1911 Revolution and overthrew the last feudal dynasty in Chins's history.
孙中山领导了1911年辛亥革命,推翻了中国历史上最后一个封建王朝。 yeeyan

He was buried on a hillside outside Nanjing, not far from Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum.
他被埋葬在南京郊外的一个小山丘边,离中山陵不远。 yeeyan

Huang went to Sydney after graduating from Sun Yat-sen University last month.
上个月,从中山大学毕业后,黄山就来到了悉尼。 iciba




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