释义 |
Yasujiro Ozu 基本例句 n.小津安二郎 The dinner scene with Billy's parents pays hommage to the static visual style of Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu, who is referred to by the OZU on the license plate of Layla's car.大意是:那场比利带着蕾拉与父母吃饭的戏是向小津安二郎致敬的.;还反映在蕾拉的车牌子上 Depending on these honor, Takeshi Kitano becomes one which of the best directors after Heizeming, Nagisa Oshima, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu, Shouhei Imamura in the Japanese movie history.凭借这些荣誉,北野武成为日本电影史上继黑泽明、大岛渚、沟口健二、小津安二郎、今村昌平之后的最受欢迎的导演之一。 |