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词汇 Yanzhao
释义 Yanzhao
According to insiders, theseYanzhaonever outflow.据知情者透露,这批艳照从未流出。
His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavyYanzhaoantiquity.其舞姿剽悍壮烈,声慑魂魄,具有浓重的燕赵古风。
Since time immemorial, this culture is inherited by the people ofYanzhao, and also has a far-reaching impact on the culture of Chinese nation.自古以来,这种文化不仅被生于斯、长于斯的燕赵人民所继承,同时,对中华民族文化的发展也产生了深远的影响。
YanzhaoWuqiang County is located in the hinterland, the famous “town board pictures” is named after the United Nations Millennium Ancient County.武强县地处燕赵腹地,是久负盛名的“木版年画之乡”,是联合国命名的“千年古县”。
These are precisely theYanzhaolive across the earth, with its unique geographical scenery, political, military status, ages of the attention, so that poet chant.也正是这横跨燕赵的活土,以其特有地理风光,政治、军事地位,为历代所重视,令骚客咏叹。
Yanzhaoinherited a rich culture and Qilu details Hebei south-east shoulder of high-level personnel training, scientific research and achievements into the glorious mission.承袭着燕赵与齐鲁文化的浓厚底蕴,肩负着冀东南地区高层次人才培养、科学研究和成果转化的光荣使命。




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