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Yankees ˈjæŋkiz Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本例句 美国人⁵⁴;美国佬⁴⁶原型yankee的复数 Attend a Red Sox vs. Yankees game in Fenway Park. 在芬威球场看一次红袜队和扬基队的比赛。 net These latter young men were as anxious to fight the Yankees, should war come, as were their richer neighbors; but the delicate question of money arose. 后一部分青年人也和他们的富裕邻居一样,渴望着战争一爆发便去找北方佬,但金钱这个微妙的问题却随之产生了。 kekenet They could be the Yankees again, if they get better pitching. 洋基会再回来的,如果洋基有好的投手。 iciba To this day I can recite the lineup of Yankees starting players, complete with their positions and batting averages, for that World Series. 时至今日,我仍然能背出那场世界职业棒球大赛中洋基队选手的出场顺序,以及他们的位置和击球率。 yeeyan Within five minutes produces the following password: Yankees. 分钟之内,产生了如下密码: Yankees。 ibm And anyway, the Yankees are too scared of us to fight. There won't be any war, and I'm tired of hearing about it. 况且不管怎样,北方佬从小害怕我们,根本不会有什么战争,谈它干什么,我讨厌听到关于战争的事情。 kekenet And I'm a Yankees fan. 而我是一名扬基队球迷。 yeeyan As Marvin Gaye's voice floated through my room, I tossed into the air a baseball I once caught at a Yankees game. 马文·盖伊的歌声弥漫在整个房间。我往空中抛了一个棒球,这个棒球是我曾经在一场洋基队的比赛中得到的。 yeeyan Bank of AmericaBofA has put off a juicy long-term deal with the New York Yankees and extended its existing contract for a year. 美国银行推迟了一项金额巨大的赞助纽约扬基队的长期合约,仅将现有合同延长一年。 ecocn Connecticut Yankees, as people in this northeast state are called, are known to be smart in business. 身处美国东北部的康涅狄格人被称为 Connecticut Yankees,因其生意方面的精明广为人知。 tingvoa He went on to manage the Yankees and the Mets. 之后他继续管理了纽约洋基队和大都会队。 yeeyan However, the Yankees outlay represents all costs. 不过,扬基队的支出包括了所有费用。 iciba I hate the Yankees. 我痛恨美国北方佬。 kekenet If you went to my school, you played sports and you rooted for the Mets or the Yankees. 如果你去我的学校,你可以运动,玩 Mets或者是 Yankees。 yeeyan Indeed, Costa Rica is one of the few countries that is seeing migration from the United States: Yankees are moving here to enjoy a low- cost retirement. 事实上,哥斯达黎加是少数不多从美国移民的国家之一:洋基队正在这里享受低成本退休。 yeeyan My dad lived in Portland, Oregon, and sent me a Yankees hat and a new mitt for that birthday. 我的爸爸住在俄勒冈州的波特兰,他送了我一顶洋基队球帽和一双崭新的棒球手套。 yeeyan Public Google calendars are available with schedules for various sports teams, such as the Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees, or for organizations such as schools or theaters. 公开 Google日历提供了各种运动队的日程,例如 Boston Red Sox或 New York Yankees,也有学校或影院等机构的日程。 ibm Ready again: The Yankees had proceeded cautiously with setup man Kyle Farnsworth, citing his unavailability in most back-to-back day situations. 再次准备好了:洋基小心翼翼的让方师傅当中继设定投手,回想起他在大部分连续两天的出赛情况下都会出包。 iciba That would be good news for the pitching- starved Yankees. 那对于缺乏投手的洋基来说是个好消息。 iciba The Yankees fans realize there is only one bathroom per carriage and quickly take the lead, locking themselves in first, leaving the Red Sox fans with nowhere to go. 考虑到每节车厢只有一个厕所,扬基队球迷迅速抢占先机钻进去锁上门,这样红袜队球迷就无处可躲了。 yeeyan Two Yankees fans are on a train up to Boston to watch their team play the Red Sox. 两位纽约扬基队的球迷坐火车去波士顿看扬基队同波士顿红袜队的棒球赛。 yeeyan We could dress like Lady Gaga and hang from a cage at a Yankees game— if any of us looked as good near-naked, that is. 在洋基队的赛场上,我们可以打扮成嘎嘎女郎的样子,再让人用笼子挂起来——只要半裸着能像她一样有性感就行。 ecocn |