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词汇 yank
释义 yank 英jæŋk美jæŋkAHDyăngk

an American who lives in the North especially during the American Civil Waran American especially to non-Americans
pull, or move with a sudden movement;

He turned the handle and jerked the door open

词源不详。yank猛拉yank the bun得第一名
近义词 haul拖pull拉draw拖pluck摘jerk急动tug用力拉wrest夺取hitch猛拉tension紧张extract摘录heave用力举起Yankee美国公民wrench扳钳,扳手Yankee-Doodle扬基歌

用作动词You canyankon the rope as a signal.你可以猛拉一下绳子作为信号。verb.pull hard and fast
同义词 jerk,snap,snatch,tear,tug,wrenchdraw,extract,lug,twitchevulse
反义词 fix,put inpush
dragverb haul something to a new place
drawverb move something by pulling
attract,bring,carry,convey,cull,draft,drag,drain,educe,elicit,evoke,extract,fetch,gather,haul,hook,jerk,lug,magnetize,pick,pluck,pump,rake,siphon,tap,tow,trail,trawl,tug,wind in,wrench,yank
drewverb move something by pulling
caricatured,charted,composed,crayoned,delineated,depicted,described,designed,drafted,engraved,etched,expressed,formed,formulated,framed,graphed,limned,mapped out,marked,modeled,outlined,painted,pencilled,portrayed,prepared,profiled,sketched,traced,wrote
extractverb physically remove, draw out
avulse,bring out,catheterize,cull,derive,distill,eke out,elicit,eradicate,evoke,evulse,exact,express,extirpate,extort,extricate,garner,gather,get,glean,obtain,pick up,pluck,press out,pry,pull,reap,secure,select,separate,siphon,squeeze,take,tear,uproot,weed out,withdraw,wrest,wring,yank
extractingverb physically remove, draw out
abridging,abstracting,bringing forth,choosing,citing,condensing,copying,culling,cutting out,deducing,deriving,educing,eliciting,evolving,excerpting,gleaning,quoting,shortening
jerknoun a lurching move
bounce,bump,flick,flop,jolt,pull,quake,quiver,shiver,snag,thrust,tug,tweak,twitch,wiggle,wrench,wriggle,yank The exception was Robert Henderson, a47-year-old Yank who was directing South Pacific.

The regulator can find a broadcaster to be unfit, and yank its licence, at any time.
监管部门发现广播公司不合适可以随时撤销许可。 ecocn

Also, some funds allow big investors to put in and yank out tens of millions of dollars at a time, maximizing the funds' assets but also raising trading and tax bills.
同样,一些基金允许大的投资者同时投入或抽出上千万美元的投资,使基金规模最大化但同时也提高了交易赋税。 yeeyan

And remember those phones with the antennas you had to yank out?
你还记得那些需要你把天线猛拽出来的手机吗? yeeyan

Are you Brit or Yank?
你是英国佬还是美国佬? tingvoa

Are you Brit or Yank? Show me your quotation marks And I'll tell you which.
你是英国佬还是美国佬?给我写个有引号的句子,我就告诉你答案。 hjenglish

As for CPU, they only need something cheap and low power, just enough to filter some data as they yank it out of memory.
而对中央处理器 CPU而言,在从内存拷贝东西时能过滤一些数据的便宜货就能满足需求了。 yeeyan

But what Britain wants from the Conservatives is a sense that they can yank it out of the economic and fiscal hole it has sunk into.
但是英国人对保守党的期待是,他们感觉这个党派能够把他们从经济和财政的水深火热中解救出来。 yeeyan

But God holds us in his mighty hands, and nothing can yank us away from him— not trouble or hardship or danger or even death!
不过,神以祂大能的手抓紧我们,无论是患难、困苦、危险,甚至死亡,没有任何事物能把我们从神那里拉走。 renren

Elephants also use their trunks to yank up clumps of grasses and shove the greenery into their mouths.
大象也会用鼻子拉起丛生的杂草,把草堆进嘴里。 yeeyan

For example, shoot it right at a sniper and you can yank the poor lad right off his perch, saving valuable ammunition in the process.
比如对着狙击手放抓钩,然后把这个可怜的家伙从高处拽下来,活用这一点可以节省不少宝贵的弹药。 yeeyan

Force them to rely on short-term debt, they say rather overlooking evidence from the current crisis, and they will lend carefully lest wary investors yank their funds.
据他们说,迫使银行依赖短期债务,银行将小心放贷以免谨慎投资者抽离资金。 这种说法相当程度上忽视了来自当前危机的证据。 ecocn

Her fist did not loosen, but neither did she yank again.
他双拳紧握,可她也没再拽扯。 yeeyan

If you feel inclined to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive yank the plug!.
如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。 ibm

Indeed, many seem anxious to yank on the tiller and drag the economy farther south still.
很多人似乎在焦急地猛拉航船的操纵杆,但事实上这艘经济巨轮却被他们拉着继续向南。 ecocn

Prosecutors love to yank Wall Street's chain after periods of excess, as in the1980s junk bonds, the1990s savings-and-loan fraud and the early 2000s dotcom bust.
检察官喜欢在一段过剩期后才开始拽华尔街的经济链,比如,在20世纪80年代垃圾债券,20世纪90年代储蓄诈骗和二十一世纪初互联网经济崩溃。 yeeyan

Recommended treatment: yank the pear-shaped organ that, when healthy, helps the liver flush fats from the body but, when faulty, causes excruciating pain.
推荐的处理方式是:用力挤压这个梨形的器官,当胆囊健康时,它会辅助肝把脂肪冲出外面,但当它出毛病时就会导致剧烈的疼痛感。 yeeyan

Some, such as Susan Cruz, a former gang member, now work in the world they have left behind, trying to yank others out of it.
有些人,如前帮派成员苏珊•克鲁兹现在为他们已经抛弃的世界工作,尽力拯救其他人出来。 ecocn

Some Turks hoped that engagement with Syria would eventually yank Mr Assad out of the orbit of Iran, his biggest patron, and set him on a path towards reform.
有些土耳其人希望,土耳其政府与叙利亚的接触将最终把阿萨德先生拉出他最大的靠山---伊朗的影响圈子,并朝着改革的道路上发展。 ecocn

Stuffed animals should also be free of buttons, yarn, ribbons, and anything else your child could yank off and put in his mouth.
填充玩具要没有扣子、纱线、丝带,整个玩具要没有有可能被孩子揪掉放进嘴巴的部分。 iciba

Thankfully, that's all it took to yank me back into my pain-ridden body as my mind and likely my mouth screamed for morphine.
谢天谢地,这样的恐惧把我拉回了这满是伤痛的身体,我的意识和我的嘴一样,尖叫着要止疼药。 yeeyan

They come with a clothes clip reduces cable strain so they won’t yank out, a carrying case and comfortable rubber- dome earbud tips in several sizes.
耳塞同时带有一个小衣夹减少耳塞线紧绷以及猛拉过度,一个便携盒与各个尺寸的舒适橡胶圆套头。 yeeyan

Three years ago, Caijing magazine was forced to yank a story also related to State Grid.
三年前,《财经》杂志曾被迫撤掉一篇同样和国家电网有关的文章。 voa365

Which motivates me to yank my hand back.
这倒是真的“激励”到了我——我把手赶紧抽了回来。 yeeyan

With a quick yank, I pulled it free from its bondage. Another one immediately took its place.
我用肩膀顶着门,伸手抓住一个,迅速一拉,将它从捆绑中拉了出来,另一个立即占据了它的位置。 hxen




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