

单词 Yama
释义 Yama ˈjɑ:mə COCA⁶¹⁷⁸⁸

Hindu god of death and lord of the underworld
用作名词You know, of course, that KingYamaalso enjoys a good cup of tea.因为阎罗王也好喝茶,你们知道吗?
Well, they didn't drag him off to have tea with KingYama.于是就没有抓他到阎罗王那儿去喝茶。 Daring this period, the faith of God of Earth and Ten King of Hell composed each other, then it became the main form of Yama's image.
此时期,地藏信仰与十王信仰汇集在一起构成了地藏十王组合式的信仰和图卷,为此后阎罗王形象的主要存在形式。 fabiao

I think this is the main reason that why Yama's image has Chinese character.
本文认为这可能是阎罗王形象从一开始就呈现出高度中国化的关键因素。 fabiao

The regional army has increased surveillance missions in the wake of North Korea’s latest provocations, but Yama Sakura is not focused on a particular threat, he said.
木崎说,针对朝鲜最近的挑衅,有关部队已经加强了侦查活动。但山樱军演并不针对来自特定对象的威胁。 yeeyan

The temple has eight sides, representing Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
寺庙有八个角,代表了帕坦加里的瑜伽八个分支:制戒,内制,体式,呼吸控制,意识控制,集中,冥想,三摩地。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yama and niyama are the first two, followed by asana and pranayama.
“制戒”和“遵行”是前两个步骤,紧跟其后的是坐法和调息; shiva-yoga

Yama is abstention from harming others, from false-hood, from theft, from incontinence, and from greed.
持戒是:不杀生、不说谎、不偷盗、不纵欲、不贪婪。 blog.sina.com.cn

Experience has taught us that in order to practise yama and niyama, discipline and self-control, a certain quality of mind is needed.
经验告诉我们,要修炼“制戒”和“遵行”,需要戒律和自控,以及一定程度的才智。 shiva-yoga

For this Buddha laid a basic foundation called the ' eightfold path', which was a system of ethics more or less like the yama and niyama of raja yoga.
据此,佛陀还建立了一套被称为“八正道”的基本方法,这其实是一套与王瑜伽的“制欲”和“遵行”多少有些类似的伦理道德规范。 blog.sina.com.cn

However, it is not possible to practice the limbs and sub- limbs of yama and niyama when the body and sense organs are weak and haunted by obstacles.
然而,如果身体和感官虚弱,并受到业障的干扰时,则不可能习练制戒和遵行的各个分支和子分支。 blog.sina.com.cn

I even took advantage of his condescension to the extent of getting a contribution, Yama's Dog, from him for the Bharabi.
我甚至充分利用了他的这种屈尊俯就,从他那里为《婆罗蒂》拿到一篇文稿《阎王的狗》。 yeeyan

Like other varieties of Kappa, Yama-warau are fond of playing tricks on people, and they enjoy sumo wrestling.
像其他河童一样,山童喜欢用些小把戏来作弄人类,他们也很喜欢相扑。 yeeyan

Moreover, Yama and niyama have more to do with religion than with a person's spiritual life.
而且,“制戒”和“遵行”与一个人的灵修生活相比,其实与宗教的关系更大。 shiva-yoga

One can reflect on the first yama, ahimsa, non- harming.
一个人可以思考自律、不杀生、不伤害。 com

Patanjali was a contemporary of Buddhist and his system of yoga was influenced by the Buddhist philosophy of yama and niyama.
帕塔加利与佛教处于同一个时代,他的瑜伽体系受到了佛教哲学“制戒”和“遵行”的影响。 blog.sina.com.cn

Patanjali's contention is that you have to first perfect yama and niyama, otherwise asana and pranayama may fail to give desirable results.
帕塔加利的观点是必须首先完善“制戒”和“遵行”,否则坐式和调息将得不到满意的效果。 blog.sina.com.cn

Skulls in Yama's head-dress show that he represents death, time and impermanence.
阎罗王头饰中的颅骨示意他代表着死亡、时间和无常。 jk3001

The first two steps toward controlling the mind are the perfection of yama and niyama.
达到控制思想的前两步是制戒和遵行。 blog.sina.com.cn

The ghost officials are in charge of the rebirth of the ghosts under the overall leadership of Yama.
在阎罗王的领导下﹐这批鬼官吏们负责办理一切鬼魂投胎转世的事务。 blog.sina.com.cn

Well, they didn't drag him off to have tea with King Yama.
于是就没有抓他到阎罗王那儿去喝茶。 ccfy

Without an earnest effort and reverence towards the practice of yama and niyama, however, the practice of asana is of little benefit.
如果对制戒和遵行不认真努力和崇敬,体式的练习将会收效甚微。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yet Yama keeps me outside the gate.
阎王将我拒门外。 yzs

Yama, namely Yama-raja, or king of Hell, etc, is very familiar to Chinese people.
阎罗,即阎罗王,又称阎魔罗王、阎魔王等,是中国人非常熟悉阴间之王。 fabiao

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YAMA展现前所未有人体工学设计的突破,更为办公室带来无限的创造力。 chairs-online.net




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