

单词 yalla
释义 yallaCOCA¹⁵⁶⁹⁹⁸
Yalla also expressed gladness at the opportunity to visit China and admired and appreciated China's great achievements in its economic development.
雅拉总统还对有机会访问上海表示高兴,对中国经济建设取得伟大成就表示钦佩和赞赏。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Yalla reaffirmed that it has been the set policy of the Government of Guinea Bissau to resolutely uphold the One China policy and to support China's territorial integrity and reunification cause.
雅拉再次重申,坚持一个中国的政策,支持中国领土完整和祖国统一大业是几内亚比绍政府的既定方针。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Yalla thanked China for its selfless and sincere assistance over the years.
雅拉对中国长期以来给予几内亚比绍无私真诚援助表示感谢。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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