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词汇 Yad
释义 Yad.
🌏亚道;青年总团部Young Adult Division;雪伦
A principal of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Centre in Israel said, “I think that there's something, it kind of cheapens the memory of all that, the significance, by turning it to something commercial.”
以色列的一家大屠杀纪念中心的一位负责人评论说,将纳粹大屠杀遗物用于商业是对死难者的侮辱,这使人们对这段悲惨往事的纪念也变得廉价了。 neworiental

All members have the responsibilities to participate in all YTC and YAD non-profit performances, and extra rehearsals free of charge for these performances.

The forest fire in Jerusalem forced the evacuation of visitors and workers from Yad Vashem as firefighters battled to bring the blaze under control, a police spokesman said.
虽然消防员把大火控制住,但还是强行疏散了大屠杀纪念馆的游客和工作人员,一名警方发言人如是说。 blogdq

The exhibition“ Architecture of Murder” opens at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, Israel.
在以色列的耶路撒冷,大屠杀纪念馆举办了一场名为“谋杀的建筑”的展览。 yeeyan

The trouble came when he made his more publicised speech at the Yad Vashem Holocaust shrine a few hours later.
麻烦的是当他更公开的讲话在 Yad Vashem大屠杀纪念馆的几个小时之后。 ecocn

This class does not conflict, overlap, contradict or comply with the regular classes of YAD. We encourage students to take both type of classes.
舞团团员排练课程不与 YAD其它各专业课程兼容,重叠或冲突。学生可以选择两类课程共同学习。

A worker at the Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem cleans shelves containing folders with files on Jews killed in the Holocaust.

At YAD, parents observe their children's first dance, become closely acquainted with all the aspects of the trial lesson, and learn about YAD'S most current teaching methods at the same time.
也让家长在带孩子跟舞蹈第一次亲密接触的同时,全方面地了解体验课的课程内容及 YAD领先的教学方法。

BLIA- YAD Philippines organized three consecutive youth camps, each with over one hundred participants, during the April holidays.
菲律宾佛光青年在四月份的假期里,连续办理三梯次皆是百人以上的生活营。 blia

It was not until1983 that the Polish authorities allowed her to travel to Jerusalem, where a tree was planted in her honour at Yad Vashem.
直到1983年,波兰政府才允许她去耶路撒冷旅行,那里的人们在 Yad Vashem种了一棵树,纪念她的功绩。 ecocn

Oewerdieck is not widely known, but he is remembered at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Israel.
欧文德克并非名满天下,但是他却被铭记于雅瓦限——以色列的大屠杀纪念馆。 joyen

These plans were given to Yad Vashem for safekeeping in 2009 by the German newspaper Bild, and are now on official display.
这些草图是2009年德国的画报交给纪念馆的,现在它们在官方的展览上。 yeeyan

Within just one year, BLIA- YAD Malaysia established12 youth organizations across the country.
短短一年,马来西亚佛光青年在全马设立十二个青年组织。 blia

Yad entrance mine market both showed a high consolidation positive trend.




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