

单词 xxxxxx
释义 xxxxxxCOCA¹⁴⁴³⁰²BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
Hello, you have reached XXXXXX, pls dial extension number or press zero for operator.
请拨分机号或拨零由总机为您转拨。 blog.sina.com.cn

The singer, 25, who has been XXXXXX the social rounds in New York City this month, arrived with a group of girlfriends at the downtown hot spot ONE on Sunday night wearing a micro- mini red dress.
周日晚上,布兰妮身穿一身超级迷你的红裙,和一群女友到纽约商业区热门娱乐场所 ONE消遣。 blog.sina.com.cn

Beckham's professional career began when he signed a contract with Manchester United, XXXXXX his appearance in 1992 at the age of17.
1992年,年仅17岁的贝克汉姆签约曼联,这便是他足球职业生涯的开端。 blog.sina.com.cn

I understand that your company is seeking a qualified individual to join your professional XXXXXX team and I would like to put my self toward to this position.
我知道贵公司正在寻求一个合格的人才加入这个专业团队,我非常希望得到这一职位。 taisha

In this example“ XXXXXX” should be replaced by the coupon that you wish to embed.
在这个例子中,应该用您想要嵌入的优惠券代码替代“ XXXXXX”。 regnow

Leading players in the Insurance industries are increasingly using the XXXXXX's pioneered Global Delivery Model to improve efficiency and customer focus.
保险业的领跑者们越来越多地利用 XXXXXX首创的全球配送模式来提高效率和吸引顾客眼球。 zftrans

Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and XXXXXX not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions.
大家要回想起先辈们对抗法西斯时不仅靠导弹和坦克,也依靠稳固的联盟和坚定的信念。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thank you very much for your mail concerning the published articles by XXXXXXPotential Plagiarizers in XXXXXXName of Journal which we received today.
非常感谢您的,我们于今日收的,关于 XXX在 XXX杂志的发表文章的电邮。 sciencenet

You cannot delete the last occurrence of the account' XXXXXX' in the historical rate data entry screen.
不能在历史汇率数据输入屏幕内删除账户“ XXXXXX”的最后一个实例。 ibm




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