

单词 Xuxu
释义 Xuxu
On the base of the thinking from Kant, Bergson, Freud and Jung,Xuxuformed his own special mysticism esthetics.在康德、柏格森和弗洛伊德、荣格思想的基础上,徐?创造性地形成了自己独特的神秘主义美学观。
The second part discusses modernistic ofXuxu's novels, this has three aspects, modern theme, modern feeling, modern ways.第二部分论述徐訏小说的现代性,主要分析了他小说中存在的现代性的主题、现代性情绪和现代性方法。
Xuxuwas a writer whc paid much attention to individual existence and persisted in seeking the superorganic meaning of life, which can be found in his novels.徐訏是一位注重个体生命感受并执著于生命形而上意义探求的作家,从他的小说创作中我们能感受到这一以贯之的思想诉求。
Fictions of Zhang Ailing,Xuxu, and Wu Mingshi properly meet the new townspeople's expectiotions, with their new writing style of harmonizing elegance and secularity &blending China and west.张爱玲、徐訏和无名氏的小说超越雅俗、融会中西的新文风,正好符合了新市民对文学作品的期待视野。




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