释义 |
Xunzi 基本例句 荀子¹⁰⁰ Both Mencius andXunziare students and inheritor of Confucian, but their styles of study are obviously different.孟子和荀子同为孔门后学,儒家的继承人,但是二者学风迥异。 We Should not affirm whatXunzidid Completely, but we can never deny his contributions to Confucianism.我们不应该全面肯定荀子,但也不能抹杀其对儒学传承所做的贡献。 On Liang Qi-chao's Views about“abasingXunziwhile Praising Mengzi” in His Study ofXunzi.梁启超“绌荀申孟”的荀学研究析论。 The difference betweenXunzi, Zhongyong and Mencius lies only in context and dimeasion.荀子与《中庸》、孟子在天人合一思想上只有言说语境及维度上的差异,而没有实质上的不同。 In Han China only Confucius was “Sage”.Menius andXunziwere just “Benevolent Men”.因此,汉代儒家学者都奉孔子为先师,而无人以孟子或荀子后学自诩。 The“unman ruling”theory of Confucianist has reflected the monarchicXunzisupported the monarchic power.荀子维护君权,倡导专制主义,顺应了中国封建统治意识的形成和发展方向。 |