

单词 bioethicist
释义 bi·o·eth·ics 英ˌbaɪəʊ'eθɪks美ˌbaɪoʊ'eθɪks 高COCA⁵⁸⁸³⁵iWeb⁴⁵⁴⁴⁹
the branch of ethics that studies moral values in the biomedical sciencesbio-生物eth-ic…的-ist…的人⇒n.生物伦理学⁵⁰;生命伦理学⁵⁰
用作名词The concept has of late acquired widespread currency in international conventions within bioethics.最近,在生物伦理学的国际会议中很流行这个概念。
Their faith lends passion to national debates about abortion, homosexuality and bioethics.在国会关于堕胎,同性恋和生物伦理学的辩论中,信仰将给他们带来足够的激情。
Thus Bioethics should seize the specialties and individualities of the modern ethics.生命伦理学应当把握现代伦理学的特殊性和个性。
They deepen and broaden the research of bioethics, but will never lead to an incontestable ultimate conclusion.这些论争深化和拓展了生命伦理学研究,但不可能导出一个确定不移的终极性结论。 The recipient was not shown a photograph of the donor and will not look like her, said Eric Kodish, a Cleveland Clinic bioethicist.
克利夫兰诊所的生物伦理学家埃里克.柯蒂斯称“病人没有见到捐赠者的照片,整形后的面容也不会像捐赠者”。 yeeyan

“ Do we really want guilt-free soldiers?” asks Jonathan Moreno, a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
“我们真的需要没有罪恶感的士兵吗?” Jonathan Moreno表示疑问,他是费城宾夕法尼亚州大学的一位生物伦理学专家。 yeeyan

Although perfecting the process may take another decade, “ we should start thinking carefully about this now, ” said Kazuto Kato, a bioethicist at Kyoto University in Japan.
尽管这项技术的完善还要再花十年时间,“从现在开始我们就应该仔细思考这项技术,”加藤一登说,他是一名来自日本京都大学的生物伦理学家。 yeeyan

Some careers in this field include community dietician, public health dentist, public health nurse, environmental scientist, occupational safety specialist, bioethicist, and others.
此领域的其他一些职业有社区营养师,公众健康牙医,公共卫生护士,环境科学家,职业安全专家和生物伦理学家等。 strong-study

Bioethicist Carl Elliott recently also told me that the rise in bipolar diagnoses has contributed to a huge spike in the sales of antipsychotic medications.
前不久生物伦理学家卡尔·艾略特也告诉我,随着越来越多的人被诊断为双项障碍症患者,抗精神病药物的销量节节攀升。 yeeyan




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