释义 |
Xuanzhong 基本例句 悬钟¹⁰⁰ Conclusion: The Neiguan point has specificity to treat premature beats contrast toXuanzhongpoint .结论:内关穴相对于悬钟穴在早搏的治疗中具有特异性。 Results: Therapeutic effect on premature beats ,Neiguan point is superior toXuanzhongpoint.结果:针刺内关穴治疗早搏组疗效优于针刺悬钟穴治疗早搏组。 In borderland on this barren land, be pregnant with is worn a flock of dare be the world first corps person, guoXuanzhongis a among them.在边陲这片贫瘠的土地上,孕育着一群敢为天下先的兵团人,郭选忠就是其中的一员。 Objective: The research is to study the relative specificity and the clinical effect of Neiguan point Treat Premature beats comparing with that ofXuanzhong.目的:本研究通过针刺单穴内关与悬钟治疗早搏的疗效比较,来观察内关穴治疗早搏的相对特异性,证明内关穴治疗早搏的临床疗效。 Method:Examination 1:Applied clinical rehabilitation research center aphasia examination before and after electroacupuncture at acupoints Tongli andXuanzhong.方法:试验1:对1例皮质下失语症志愿者在针刺通里、悬钟前后用汉语标准失语症检查表进行语言学评价。 The data obtained were analyzed by statistical methods to compare the therapeutic effect of Neiguan point on premature beats with that ofXuanzhongpoint.并分别进行动态心电图检测,进行统计学处理,比较内关与悬钟治疗早搏的疗效。 |