释义 |
Xuanwu district 基本例句 宣武区 Pan Zheng is a professional craftswoman in Xuanwu District.潘征,现居宣武区。 Address: Xuanwu District, Beijing East West postern A on the 1st.地址:北京市宣武区西便门东里甲1号。 Earlier this month, a special clinic opened at the Maternal and Child Care Service Centre in Beijing's Xuanwu District.北京宣武区妇幼保健院近日开设了特色门诊,为少女们免费提供关于两性方面问题的专业咨询。 Wang Jiucheng, pen name Lao Jiu, is a famous cartoonist and caricaturist who lives inXuanwu district.王久成,笔名:老九,现居宣武区,著名集邮漫画家。 Beijing's Xuanwu District on Tuesday held the Xuan-nan Diabolo Culture Festival.当日,宣武区宣南空竹文化节开幕,众多老艺人用精湛的技艺展示了中国传统空竹文化的精髓。 In 1984, a decision was taken by theXuanwu districtof Beijing to transform the area of the south vegetable farm into beautiful environment.1984年,北京市宣武区为美化环境,决定改建“南菜园”。 |