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词汇 Xuanli
释义 Xuanli
Bang-Ke floor , isXuanliRapporteur shout from calls, more than in the main hall before or on both sides of the mosque.邦克楼 是宣礼员登高召唤处,多位于清真寺大殿前或两侧。
The whole temple built with white marble, the roof has a 1.40Xuanlitowers, arched windows and the threshold gate rich color of Islam.全寺用白色大理石建成,屋顶四角建有宣礼塔,拱形的门槛和窗栅极富伊斯兰教色彩。
Xuanyan poetry,in fact,is the poems to comprehendXuanliincluding the theories of three Xuan and Buddhism in the thinking way of Xuanxue.玄言诗 ,实为以玄学思维方式来体悟玄理的诗 ,其中的玄理包括三玄和佛理。
Hu Yinqiao,YangXuanli,Zhang Qiang,et al.The characters of energy budget on the Gobi and desert surface in Hexi Region;.ACTA Meteor Sinica,1992,6:82-91.张强卫国安.;邻近绿洲的荒漠表层土壤逆湿和对水分“呼吸”过程的分析;
Gallipoli is on the left coast town, it is quite dark, and the northern towns of Sweden almost no different from the character, of course, in addition to the tall white towers of theXuanli.左边海岸上是加利波利镇,看起来是相当的阴暗,与北方瑞典城镇的品格几乎没有两样,当然,除了高耸着的白色的宣礼塔之外。
Author LiuXuanli;Wang Yiming;Wu Yanbin;et alQingyang Petrochemical Company;PetroChina;作者刘选礼;王益民;吴宴宾;侯志孝;赵涛;岳祥龙;




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