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All it takes is some knowledge of Web style sheets CSS and XSL, where and which files to edit, and what sections to edit.
它所需要的,是对网络样式模板 CSS以及 XSL的一些知识,编辑哪里的哪个文件,以及编辑什么段落。 ibm

The next version of the XSL transformation language, which is still under development and review, includes a proposal to add regular expressions to the language.
XSL转换语言的下一版本目前还处于开发和评审中,它包含了一个将正则表达式添加到该语言的提议。 ibm

The resulting, new XSL stylesheet is then applied to each XML document and will, if the content is not as expected, produce the custom error messages.
然后,将产生的新的 XSL样式表应用到每个 XML文档,如果 XML文档的内容不符合预期,则产生定制的错误消息。 ibm

The server can expand its collection of transformation rules by adding additional XSL programs.
通过添加附加的 XSL程序,服务器可以扩充它的转换规则集合。 ibm

A simple modification of the XSL file allows for the appropriate set of SQL statements to be selected at runtime.
XSL文件的一个简单的修改应该考虑到在运行时被选择的那些合适的 SQL声明。 ibm

As we will see, the XSL processor finds this information most easily by matching the root element.
如我们将看到的,通过匹配根元素, XSL处理器可以最轻易地找到该信息。 ibm

Conversely, when you change the colors, background, or navigation, XML and XSL automatically update all your pages.
反过来,当您更改颜色、背景或导航时, XML和 XSL会自动更新您的所有页面。 ibm

Even when considering the most basic components of XSL transformations, their capabilities are remarkable.
即使当考虑 XSL转换的最基本组件时,它们的能力也是非凡的。 ibm

Finally, this guide will walk you through customizing an XSL UML element handler to output custom documentation.
最后,这个向导将带你通过定制一个 XSL UML元件管理器来输出定制文档。 ibm

However, the number of files doubles because each program needs at least one corresponding XSL file.
但是,文件数却成倍增加了,因为每个程序至少需要一个对应的 XSL文件。 ibm

However, when the XSL transformation is performed on the client, the internationalization should be handled during the transformation itself.
但是,如果 XSL转换是在客户机上执行的,则应当在进行转换时处理国际化。 ibm

If a message comes from another application, it can have a different structure, and in this case the XSL transformation may fail.
假如有条消息来自另一个应用,它具有不同的结构,这种情况下 XSL转换就会失败。 infoq

In short, you need an efficient way of structuring your XML data and all these XSL style sheets.
简而言之,您需要一个有效的方式来组织 XML数据和所有这些 XSL样式表。 ibm

It would be a daunting task to list all of the XSL processors and their methods for implementing extensions.
列出所有 XSL处理器以及它们实现扩展的方法将是一件令人畏缩的任务。 ibm

Most other popular XSL implementations also provide a mechanism for extensions, but you'll need to consult their documentation to find any differences in approach.
其它流行的 XSL实现大多数也提供了扩展的机制,但是您必需参考其文档以查找方法中的任何差异。 ibm

My aim in this series is to write such a plug-in for XSL.
我在这个系列文章中的目标是编写这样一个用于 XSL的插件。 ibm

Note that you can perform the XSL transformation step either on the server side or the client side the browser.
注意,您可以在服务器端也可以在客户端浏览器执行 XSL转换步骤。 ibm

Now that we have our XSL files, we can create a mediation policy files that references them.
现在,我们有了自己的 XSL文件,我们可以创建表示它们的中介策略。 ibm

Regarding the XSL transform itself, increased granularity raises two major issues: pulling information out of multiple files and then pushing information back into multiple files.
对于 XSL转换本身来说,增加的粒度带来两个主要问题:从多个文件拖出信息以及将信息放回多个文件。 ibm

That, in turn, transmits them as XML to the browser with an XSL file that formats the XML into HTML for display.
可以将它们作为 XML传输给浏览器,该浏览器包含一个 XSL文件,为了便于显示,该文件将 XML格式化为 HTML。 ibm

The new message element setter primitive provides an easy way to change data in a mediation flow and update the message without having to write custom code or define XSL transformations.
新的消息元素设置基元提供了一种简便的方法以更改中介流中的数据以及更新消息,而无需编写自定义的代码或定义 XSL转换。 ibm

The XSL files in this directory are named so that you can identify which files you need to modify for which element type.
命名该目录中的 XSL文件,这样您就可以识别出,需要为哪一个元素种类编辑哪一个文件。 ibm

There are some restrictions to the overloadability of methods that are called from XSL.
对于从 XSL中调用的方法,存在过载能力方面的一些限制。 ibm

These tools include an editor and a debugger for XSL transformations.
这些工具包括用于 XSL转换的编辑器和调试器。 ibm

This new XSL feature is critical for code generation because you often need to create multiple output files from a single piece of XML.
XSL的这一新特性对于代码生成而言至关重要,因为常常需要从一段 XML输入创建多个输出文件。 ibm

This process can be tricky and is one reason why I separated my templates into several XSL style sheets.
这个过程可能比较麻烦,这也是我将模板拆分为几个 XSL样式表的原因之一。 ibm

This will help you understand both the physical XSL file layout, and how things work in concert to build a published model.
这将帮助你理解物理 XSL文件布局和事物是如何正确工作,以建立一个发布的模型。 ibm

What makes these extensions so significant when XSL can already do so much?
XSL已经如此能干了,是什么使得这些扩展如此重要呢? ibm

You can choose any of the XSL files for editing.
您可以选择任意一个 XSL文件以进行编辑。 ibm

XSL took this task and built a specification upon it, enabling applications to ditch all of their proprietary transformation code.
XSL完成此任务,并在其上构建规范,从而允许应用程序抛弃其所有的专用转换代码。 ibm




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