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词汇 XML
释义 XML 英ˌeksem'el美ˌeksem'el;英ˌeksemˈel美ˌɛksɛmˈɛl COCA³⁶⁸⁰¹
abbr.计算机可扩展标记语言=extensible markup language
The level of assurance that a schema can provide to an application depends on how well the schema translates application requirements into requirements on XML messages.
一个模式可以提供给应用程序的保证级别取决于这个模式如何很好地将应用程序需求转换为 XML消息需求。 ibm

After completing this tutorial, you should be able to write applications that store and retrieve XML.
完成本教程之后,您应该能够编写存储和检索 XML的应用程序。 ibm

As XML cursors are moved in the code, they move from one token to another.
在代码中移动 XML游标时,可以将它从一个标志移动到另一个标志。 ibm

But what if you want to restrict your search based on some condition that applies to data in an XML column?
但是,如果您想根据某种应用于 XML列中数据的条件对搜索进行限制,那么应该怎么做呢? ibm

For language independence, you adopt XML as the model.
为了独立于语言,您采用 XML作为模型。 ibm

I do not cover all that because of my focus on core XML practices and design.
这里不再对它们进行讨论,因为现在我关注的是核心 XML实践和设计。 ibm

I start my discussion in this part with an information exchange scenario, which demonstrates the use of XML encryption.
在这一部分中,我以一个信息交换方案开始我的讨论,该方案演示了 XML加密的用法。 ibm

If you plan to use a pattern in another configuration, you can export it by clicking Export, and saving the pattern to an XML file.
如果您打算在另一个配置中使用某种模式,可以通过单击导出将该模式导出,然后将它存入一个 XML文件中。 ibm

Implementations of this model handle construction, modification, and serialization of the XML data.
这个模型的实现处理 XML数据的构造、修改和序列化。 ibm

In a situation like that the overhead of generating and parsing XML is problematic.
在这样的一种情况下,生成和解析 XML的开销是成问题的。 ibm

In our case, we expect the feed sources to be supplied through an XML file.
在我们的示例中,我们希望能以一个 XML文件的格式提供提要源。 ibm

In these cases, we optimized processing the XML by processing all the attributes of an element at one time.
在这些情况下,我们通过一次处理一个元素的所有属性来优化 XML的处理。 ibm

Now that you know about the existence, structure, and interrelationships of these XML files, the question is, what do you do with them?
既然您了解了这些 XML文件的存在、结构和相互关系,问题是,您要用它们来做什么呢? ibm

One of these tables contains only relational data, while the other contains both relational and XML data.
其中一个数据仓库表只包含关系数据,另一个表同时包含关系数据和 XML数据。 ibm

One of these tables contains only traditional relational columns, while the second contains relational columns and one XML column.
这两个表的其中之一仅包含传统的关系列,而另一个包含关系列和一个 XML列。 ibm

Packaged with each module is an XML deployment descriptor that describes the organization of the components in the module and how they are configured at run time.
与各个模块打包在一起的有一个 XML部署描述符,描述了在这个模块中组件的组织和它们在运行时的配置。 ibm

Since it is an XML file, you do get help for creating elements and attribute tags, but not the content of the import attribute.
因为它是一个 XML文件,所以您能够获得创建元素和属性标记而不是导入属性的内容方面的帮助。 ibm

So everything you learned about XML in the last article will definitely start to have some value in this article.
因此,您在上一篇文章中学到的关于 XML的知识最终将在这篇文章中体现出某些价值。 ibm

Substitution characters can be introduced at this point as well, if the serialized XML contains characters not representable in the database code page, or not representable in the client code page.
在这个时候,如果串行化 XML包含数据库代码页中不能表示的字符,或者在客户机代码页中不能表示的字符,就可能引入替换字符。 ibm

That is the crux of the matter: XML is text, and only text.
这就是问题的症结所在: XML是文本,而且只是文本。 ibm

The interface works well if you have to process only one XML document with a single style sheet.
如果您必须用一个单独的样式表只处理一个 XML文档,那么该界面会很好地工作。 ibm

The major issue is that some of the innermost elements have a start tag but no ending tag, which is required for XML.
最主要的问题是某些最里面的元素具有一个开始标记,却没有结束标记,而这是 XML所必需的。 ibm

This example also works in cases where you know the structure of the XML data beforehand.
这个示例在您预先知道 XML数据结构的情况下也能够正常运行。 ibm

This gives you the list of deals as an XML document.
这将把交易列表作为一个 XML文档提供给您。 ibm

This happens whether or not XML is involved in the request.
不管请求中是否牵涉到 XML,这个过程都会发生。 ibm

This separates it from essentially every other schema language for XML and complements them.
这使它与其他 XML模式语言完全不同,并成为它们的补充。 ibm

To do this we create an information context list from the XML fragment.
为此,我们从这个 XML片段创建一个信息上下文列表。 ibm

We developed a view for each of these tasks and coded the form formula in the view with the name of the XML display form.
我们为这些任务的每一个开发了一个视图,并且在视图中用 XML显示表单的名称编码表单的公式。 ibm

With data binding you maintain control over the XML representation of data.
使用数据绑定,你可保持对数据的 XML表示的控制。 infoq

You will then see how to store the data for the application in an XML file.
接下来,您将看到如何为应用程序将数据储存在 XML文件中。 ibm




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