

单词 xizor
释义 xizorCOCA¹⁴⁷⁸⁹⁸
So fixated on exacting vengeance against Vader, Xizor's allowed his fortress to become infiltrated by Rebel Alliance agents.
复仇心切的西佐允许义军同盟侦察员潜入自己的城堡。 starwarschina

The devastation of his fortress by Rebel explosives was just the start of a downward spiral that culminated in Xizor's death in the destruction of his private skyhook.
他的城堡被起义军炸毁仅仅是恶性循环的开始,最后,西佐与他的私人天钩同归于尽。 starwarschina

The remnants of Xizor's Black Sun did not rebound nearly as well as Garyn's organization, as no obvious heir as powerful or driven as Xizor appeared.
西佐留下的黑日几乎没有像加林留下的黑日那样东山再起,因为之后再没出现像西佐那样强大或坚毅的继承人。 starwarsfans

Dash later helped Luke and Lando infiltrate Prince Xizor's palace on Coruscant.
不久,达什又帮助卢克和兰多潜入西佐王子在科洛桑上的宫殿。 starwarsfans.cn

Existing in one form or another for centuries, the modern era of Black Sun was sculpted by Prince Xizor, the elegant Falleen head of Xizor Transport Systems.
黑日以这样或那样的形式存在了数个世纪,现代黑日由西佐王子打造。这个风度翩翩的法林人是西佐运输系统的掌门人。 starwarschina

Guri served as a diplomat-of-sorts, luring Leia into Xizor's complex machinations.
古丽作为一名准外交官,把莱娅诱骗进了西佐精心设计的圈套里。 starwarsfans.cn

Later, Organa and the Wookiee attempted to escape from Xizor's palace.
后来,奥加纳和这个伍基人试图逃离西佐的宫殿。 starwarsfans.cn

Prince Xizor, the powerful and decadent Underlord of the Black Sun criminal syndicate, had a taste for the best the galaxy had to offer.
作为“黑日”犯罪集团的头目,骄奢淫逸的西佐王子热衷于强取豪夺银河系中的极品。 starwarsfans.cn

She traveled in an elegant custom vessel named the Stinger, provided to her by Xizor.
她的飞船“刺针号”同样典雅高贵,由西佐为她度身定制。 starwarsfans.cn

Xizor sent her out on numerous missions to deal with those who crossed him personally or his organization.
西佐多次把那些反对他本人或他组织的家伙交给古丽处理。 starwarsfans.cn

Xizor's alien background also allowed him limited amphibious ability, as he was able to breathe water for12 hours.
西佐的异形血统限制了他在大气层中的呼吸能力,同时也赋予了他能在水中呼吸12小时的能力。 kuenglish

Xizor's personal vendetta against Lord Darth Vader nearly scuttled the entire organization.
西佐与达斯·维德尊主间的世仇几乎断送整个组织。 starwarschina




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