

单词 Xiyan
释义 Xiyan
LIANGXiyanstill misses her long hair, even though it was cut short weeks ago.来个更酷更炫的发型如何?可老师说:学生应该有个学生样。
Photo five: GongXiyancries as he speaks of his brother and sister-in-law's desperation in life.图五:龚喜颜说到哥哥、嫂子对生活绝望的时候,流下了眼泪。
After Gong Jinghong's parents were gone, who was the first to notice?” I ask GongXiyan.龚京红的父母走了以后,最早是谁发现的?”我问龚喜颜。
Photo two: sitting next Gong Jinghong is her uncle, GongXiyan. GongXiyanis a hemiplegic.图二:坐在龚京红旁边的是她的叔叔龚喜颜,龚喜颜为半身瘫痪患者。
Photo twenty-eight: at the school fundraiser GongXiyancan't stop from choking up.图二十八:募捐现场二十一龚喜颜控制不住失声痛哭。
LinXiyanis the hostess of a TV program, she has the feeling of being followed everytime when she goes home.林夕焰感到害怕和迷茫,身后。是亲人呵护,还是不祥潜伏?女儿,是禀性怪异的精灵,还是某个冤魂的依附?




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