

单词 Xisha
释义 XishaEconomist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
According to Well Xichen 1 in Xisha sea area,7 lithology segments are confirmed in reef facies stratum sequence, including3 dolostone segments and4 limestone segments.
岩石成分类型包括石灰岩和白云岩,确定7个岩性段,包括:3个白云岩段和4个石灰岩段。 cnki

The characteristics of the annual period of absorbing shortwave radiation on sea surface are remarkable in Nansha and Xisha, with the maximum appearing in the winter- half year.
南沙和西沙海面吸收短波辐射年周期特征明显,极大值出现在冬半年。 cnki

The methane content is higher in north slope of the Xisha trough than in the trough bottom and south slope of the trough.
西沙海槽北部陆坡比槽底及南部斜坡具有更好的甲烷异常显示。 cnki

China has been claiming sovereignty over almost the entire body, including the Xisha and Nansha islands, since ancient times.
中国自古以来一直声称对几乎整体海域享有主权,其中包括西沙群岛和南沙群岛。 tingvoa

Guangdong's biggest fishery patrol vessel the No.44183 drove off4 foreign fishing vessels operating illegally in waters off the Xisha Islands Sunday, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,24日,广东最大的渔政船44183号在西沙海域巡航时,将4艘外国侵渔渔船成功逐离我国水域。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Harmonic analysis is applied to the time series data of relative humidity, which measured per hour in Xisha Exposure Site.
主要针对西沙试验站户外相对湿度全年时观测值的时间序列,作谐波分析。 dictall

However, after examining the Sino- French Chongqing Agreement people can find that the agreement has no concern with the Xisha and Nansha Islands.
但考察中法《重庆协议》后可知,该协议根本没有涉及到西、南沙群岛。 cnki

I'd like to stress that China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea including Xisha and Nansha Islands.
我想强调,中国对包括西沙、南沙在内的南海诸岛拥有无可争辩的主权。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In Hainan,18 of the56 fishermen trapped on the North Reef of Xisha are still missing.
海南西沙北礁失去联络的56名渔民中,仍有18人下落不明。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Overall plan and make use of Hainan's existing tropical forests resources, coastal tourism resources, duty free business, key theme parks, sea voyage especially Xisha sea voyage and guessing lottery.
统筹规划利用海南现有的热带雨林资源、滨海旅游度假、免税品经营、重点主题公园、海上游特别是西沙游项目以及竞猜型彩票等的开发经营。 jin-tao

The eastern reef island area, with shallow seawater, is higher parts of Xisha apophysis, where the basement is directly covered with reef facies carbonate rocks.
东部岛礁区为西沙隆起的较高部位,海水较浅,基底之上直接覆盖礁相沉积地层。 cnki

The many islands, islets, reefs and shoals on the South China Sea, known collectively as the South China Sea Islands, are subdivided into the Dongsha, Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha island groups.
散布在南海上的岛屿、礁、滩总称南海群岛,是中国最南的岛屿群,依照位置的不同称为东沙群岛、西沙群岛、中沙群岛和南沙群岛。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The naval exercises were held about250 km from Xisha island, and1000 km from Nansha island.
海军演习的举行位于距离西沙群岛约250公里,南沙岛和1000公里。 tingvoa

The authors collected systematic samples from the growth layers of Tridacna squasama in the Xisha Islands, determined Sr isotopic composition and obtained Sr isotopic growth curve of the mollusk.
对来自西沙群岛的双壳类鳞砗磲壳体沿着其生长纹取样并系统地作了锶同位素的分析,得出了该生物壳体的锶同位素生长变化曲线。 cnki

The dive site there is a top-grader in China in addition to “ Xisha Islands” and“ Nansha Islands” and is also one of the top-grade dive sites in Sanya at present.
该潜水点为目前国内除“西沙群岛”和“南沙群岛”之外的顶级潜水点!也是目前三亚潜水最顶级地点之一。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The Xisha islands have always been Chinese territory.
西沙群岛一直是中国的领土。 shw

Travel Guide: Take Qingyuan to Shantang Yequ car to the Xisha Islands Direct.
交通指南:乘清远至山塘车到西沙野趣岛直达。 chizhuyou

Xisha Islands are rich of tourism resources.
西沙群岛拥有丰富独特的旅游资源。 www.qikan.com.cn

Xisha trough basin is the advantage oil and gas exploration area of the northern continental slop of the South China Sea.
西沙海槽盆地是南海北部陆坡深水区的有利油气勘探区域。 cagsbulletin




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