释义 |
Xingjiang 基本例句 新疆¹⁰⁰ XingjiangGood Life Sports Goods Co., Ltd.新疆好生活体育用品有限公司。 XingjiangProduction and Construction Corps.新疆生產建设兵团。 Once a faculty member at Stanford University in California, ZhouXingjiangdecided to return to China four years ago.四年前,来自加利福尼亚斯坦福大学的大学教员周兴江音译决定返回中国工作。 Xingjiang, a magic place where you can drink the snowmelt from the Tianshan Mountains and depict all your fantasies.呵,新疆,畅饮着饮天山的雪水,描绘着你的精妙绝伦!吐鲁番市广告公司黄彬提供资料编辑:谢祥林周成定 The calorific value of Medicago populations from northernXingjiangand cultivars were measured using Parr measurement.摘要用氧弹式自动测热仪测定苜蓿不同种群植物体的热值。 XingJiang is a beautiful small city in piaces where there are rives ,lakes and mountains.新疆是一个有着山川河流湖泊的美丽的小城市用英语说杂说? |