

单词 biodegrade
释义 bi·o·de·grade 英ˌbaɪəʊdɪ'ɡreɪd美ˌbaɪoʊdɪ'ɡreɪd 高COCA⁹⁶¹⁴⁵BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁴³⁴⁴²

break down naturally through the action of biological agents;

Plastic bottles do not biodegrade

用作动词The new skin appears to work better than preious skin substitutes thatbiodegradein situ after a few weeks.研制的新皮似乎较以前的皮肤替代品好,因为新皮在移植后数周可原位生物降解。
It is an unlikely application, but researchers in China have discovered that chicken manure can be used tobiodegradecrude oil in contaminated soil.这看上去像一个不可能的应用,但是中国的科学家发现了鸡粪可以用于生物降解受污染土壤中的原油。 The application effect of biodegrade silver plastic ground cover was studied under the field planting conditions in different areas.
在不同地区田间栽培条件下,研究了可降解银光膜在花生上应用的效果。 dictall

Cardboard coffins— which are as thick as their wooden counterparts — can be decorated by family and biodegrade within three months.
和木棺有一样厚度的纸板棺材可以由家人装点并三个月内降解。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Dye printing wastewater is very difficult to deal with because of its complex component and it is difficult to biodegrade.
印染废水由于其组分复杂,可生化性差,因而其治理难度较大。 cnki

However, it's unknown how—or even if— dispersants applied at depths biodegrade in the same way that they do at the surface.
然而,目前尚不知道当分散剂在深水处使用与在海面使用发生生物降解过程有多相似,甚至是否相似。 com

It is difficult to biodegrade the printing and dyingwastewater, so the traditional aerobic biological treatment is not effective.
印染废水难以生物降解,传统的好氧生物处理方法效果不理想。 yr1818

Latex condoms take years to biodegrade in landfills and polyurethane and polyisoprene condoms may never decompose.
乳胶避孕套在垃圾填埋场需要数年才能生物降解,聚氨酯和聚异戊二烯避孕套可能永远也不会分解。 yeeyan

PBS is hydro-biodegradable and begins to biodegrade via a hydrolysis mechanism.
PBS是水生物降解和生物降解开始通过水解机制。 greenspla

That can mean sharing hearses, or using home-grown flowers and coffins made with cardboardpictured or willow, which biodegrade easily.
这就意味着共用灵车,使用自家栽种的鲜花和用容易降解的硬纸板或柳木做成的棺材。 ecocn

The soy will biodegrade in28 days, the mineral spirits will go on a long time.
这些大豆在28日内会生化降解,而石油溶剂油降解时间可要长久了。 yeeyan

Through PVA is excellent size, it is difficult to biodegrade and pollutes environment.
PVA虽上浆性能优良,但不易生物降解,严重污染环境。 cnki

Unlike some bioplastics, it is a drop that will neither compost nor biodegrade, though it will be recyclable.
不同于一些生物塑料,是一种既不能堆肥也无法生物降解的物质,尽管可以进行回收利用。 yeeyan




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