

单词 xiaotong
释义 xiaotong
Fei Xiaotong, while focusing on rural areas, aims to propose practical strategies and measures for his society on the basis of sympathetic understanding and reflective studies.
费孝通以“乡土”为对象,以“同情”来自省的学问,宗旨是通过对本土社会的理解来提出切实可行的对策与举措。 opentimes

Mr. Fei Xiaotong has once thought that the local society of China is a society of acquaintances and kinships.
费孝通先生曾经认为,中国的乡土社会是一个熟人社会和亲情社会。 cnki

The late Mr. Fei Xiaotong, a well-known Chinese sociologist, received his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the 1930s.
我国已故著名社会学家费孝通先生,上世纪30年代曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院并获得博士学位,一生饱经沧桑。 hxen

The most important contribution of Fei Xiaotong in his latter years is putting forward the theory of“ cultural conscious”.
费孝通先生晚年最大的贡献就是提出了“文化自觉”的理论。 cnki

ZhengYan XiaoTong ZhuJingbo Natural Language Processing Lab; Shenyang 110004;
东北大学信息学院自然语言处理实验室; kns50.chkd.cnki.net

According to Fei Xiaotong, it was created by a group of beggars.
据费孝通先生记,一说,发明此菜者乃一帮要饭的乞丐。 iciba

Dao Shi, Professor Fei Xiaotong, published in1947, “ Rural China” still has a strong academic vitality.
倒是费孝通教授在1947年出版的《乡土中国》,仍然具有较强的学术生命力。 cutpic

Fei Xiaotong and Kunio Yanagita have separately developed characteristic studies of their own societies.
费孝通和柳田国男分别开拓了各自对本土社会的独特研究。 zhongguosixiang

In a book review, Fei Xiaotong, vice president of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, explained the necessity of scientific research on sexuality.
时任政协副主席的费孝通在书评中阐述了对性的科学研究的需求。 yeeyan

Miss Wang: Hello! Mr. Robert. This is Wang Xiaotong.
王小姐:您好,罗伯特先生!我就是王小彤。 hdbbs

Objective To observe the effect of Tougu Xiaotong granule on cell cycle of rabbit chondrocyte.
目的观察透骨消痛颗粒对兔软骨细胞周期的影响。 dictall

Objective. Plaster observed Xiaotong treatment of knee osteoarthritis clinical efficacy, explore a precise and effective conservative treatment.
目的观察奇正消痛贴膏治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的临床疗效,探索一种确切有效的保守治疗方法。 www.cmed.org.cn

Professor Fei Xiaotong in his life made five investigations at Yao Mountains. The first investigation in1935 was conducted to study the social organization and life of the Yaos.
费孝通教授一生五次上瑶山考察,1935的考察是为了研究瑶族的社会组织和社会生活。 cnki

The paper analyses the self- organizing mechanism of natural ecosystem, humanistic ecosystem and human cultural system hi Fei Xiaotong's theory based on self- organizing theory.
文章以自组织理论为依据,分析了费氏理论中自然生态系统,人文生态系统,人类文化系统三大子系统的自组织机制。 cnki

The national passageway theory is one of the important part of the concept, the multiplex and integrative structure of the Chinese nation that was built by Fei Xiaotong.
在费孝通先生“中华民族多元一体格局”的思想中,民族走廊理论是其重要的组成部分。 cnki




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