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词汇 Xerxes
释义 Xerxes ˈzɝːksiz 
n.泽克齐斯¹⁰⁰原型xerx的三单 Behold! I am Xerxes of the Persians, mortals tremble before me.
喂!我是波斯的薛西斯,凡人在我面前都会颤抖。 civclub

In480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece.
公元前480年,波斯王薛西斯率数十万铁骑攻向希腊。 cri

Reaching the harbour, Xerxes ordered that a golden crown be presented to the captain for saving his life.
薛西斯回到港口之后,下令赐船长金王冠一顶, 答谢他救命之恩; bomoo

The Jews assembled in their cities in all the provinces of King Xerxes to attack those seeking their destruction.
犹大人在各省的城里聚集,下手击杀那要害他们的人。 nvccc

The Palace of Xerxes seems to have received a special treatment, because it was damaged more severely than other buildings;

A token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes.

According to the main entrance of the palace Persepolis inscriptions, Xerxes I built a million-nation gate.
根据波斯波利斯王宫正门上的铭文,薛西斯一世修建了万国之门。 tianya

After his defeat at Plataea in 479 BC, Xerxes, king of Persia, was retreating from Greece when his ship, overloaded with Persian warriors, was caught in a heavy storm.
波斯国王薛西斯公元前四七九年在普拉蒂亚战败之后,从希腊撤退。他船上所载将士本来已过多, 途中还遇上大风暴。 bomoo

At the beginning of the reign of Xerxes, they lodged an accusation against the people of Judah and Jerusalem.
在亚哈随鲁才登基的时候、上本控告犹大和耶路撒冷的居民。 bbintl

But you bring only this handful of soldiers against Xerxes?

Go now. Run along and tell your Xerxes he faces free men here.
现在就滚,告诉薛西斯,他在这面对的是自由之人。 mynit

Herodotus also tells us that Hyrcanian soldiers were part of the large army which king Xerxes486-465 commanded against the Greeks in480 BCE.
希罗多德还告诉我们, Hyrcanian名士兵的一部分,大量军队国王薛西斯486-465指挥对希腊人在公元前480。

Proclaims Xerxes the King: By the favor of Ahuramazda I built this Gateway of All Nations.
宣布薛西斯国王:通过有利于 Ahuramazda我建立这个网关的所有国家。

Proclaims Xerxes the King: May Ahuramazda protect me from harm, and this land, and whatever was built by me as well as what has been built by may father.
宣布薛西斯国王:5月 Ahuramazda保护我免受伤害,这片土地上,无论是由我以及已经建立了可能的父亲。

The story goes that Xerxes was so worried about the stability and morale of his army that he jumped up from his chair three times in fear.
据说薛西斯一世由于担心军心不稳,三次从皇帝宝座上跳了下来。 edu

There were no rhinoceroses or elephants on the real battlefield, for example, and King Xerxes was more dignified and remote than his depiction in the movie.
例如,在真实的战场上既没有犀牛也没有战象,薛西斯王也远非影片描写的那样庄重威严; yeeyan

We saw but a fraction of the monster that is Xerxes's army.
我们看到的只是薛西斯军队里的一小部分怪兽。 mynit

Whom will Xerxes dare to send next?

Xerxes, watching the battle from a throne on the shore, could hardly believe his eyes.
薛西斯一世坐在岸上的王座里一直观望这场战斗,他几乎不能相信自己所看到的。 book118

Xerxes conquers and controls everything he rests his eyes upon.




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