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xercesCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 🌏解析;解析器就抱错;序列化 A node can be directly printed using support existing in Apache XERCES. 可以使用现有 Apache XERCES中的支持直接打印节点。 ibm Here, we show how you can optimize the performance of your application by using the Xerces Native Interface XNI and configuring features and properties specific to Xerces2. 本文中将介绍如何通过使用 Xerces本机接口 XNI和设置 Xerces2的特性和属性来实现应用程序性能的优化。 ibm In this article, we introduced the Xerces Native Interface XNI and described how you can use this API directly to improve your application's performance. 本文介绍了 Xerces Native Interface XNI并说明如何直接使用这种 API提高应用程序的性能。 ibm The download includes Xerces. 下载内容包括 Xerces。 ibm Apache Xerces parser: Read about this parser that Sun uses in their JDK5.0 implementation. Apache Xerces解析器:了解 Sun在他们的 JDK 5.0实现中所使用的解析器。 ibm DOM-based approach: Because the WSDL file is essentially an XML file, existing DOM APIs for example Xerces can be used to both parse and build WSDL files. 基于 DOM的方法:由于 WSDL文件从本质上来讲是一个 XML文件,现有的 DOM API例如 Xerces能够用来进行解析或者构建 WSDL文件。 ibm Each platform is bundled with a unique set of frameworks and libraries, for example Apache Xerces and Apache Xalan. 每个平台都捆绑了一组独特的框架和库,例如, Apache Xerces和 Apache Xalan。 ibm I discovered a problem using the Xerces internal string class on Microsoft Windows. 我发现在 Microsoft Windows中使用 Xerces内部字符串类有一个问题。 ibm If you're using the Apache Xerces parser, you can enable validate for both DOM and SAX parsing. 如果您正在使用 Apache Xerces解析器,您能够同时启用对 DOM和 SAX的解析。 ibm Internally, Xerces stores namespace declarations with the rest of the attributes that are specified on an element start tag. 在内部, Xerces将名称空间声明和在元素起始标签中指定的其他属性存储在一起。 ibm It is a direct functional replacement for IBM's Xerces parser, so the XMLNSC domain has switched to use the new parser with consequent improvement in performance. 它直接取代了 IBM的 Xerces解析器的功能,因此 XMLNSC域已切换为使用新的解析器,从而具有改进的性能。 ibm Listing1 shows one form of the top-level code for Xerces. 清单1显示了 Xerces的顶级代码的一种形式。 ibm Most can also use validating parsers such as Xerces Java2 for full checking of documents on input, and some including JAXB can perform full validation of bound data in memory. 大多数框架还可以使用验证解析器如 Xerces Java2在输入时对文档进行完全检查,并且有框架包括 JAXB可以在内存中执行绑定数据的完全验证。 ibm Of course, when you download a distribution from Sun, you get a JAXP implementation that uses Sun's version of Xerces. 当然,从 Sun中下载发行版时,您能得到使用 Sun的 Xerces版本的 JAXP实现。 ibm One point that became clear to us was that Xerces Castor's underlying XML parser was using a fair amount of the CPU while Castor was running. 对于我们来说有一点变得清楚了,就是当 Castor运行时 Xerces Castor的底层 XML解释器使用了相当数量的 CPU。 ibm Still, most standard HTML documents convert easily to XHTML1.0, which means they can be read directly with any XML- compliant parser, such as Apache Xerces, and manipulated as XML. 另外,大多数标准 HTML文档可以轻松地转换为 XHTML1.0,这意味着可以使用任何与 XML兼容的解析器读取,例如 Apache Xerces,并且可以作为 XML进行处理。 ibm That's your cue to upgrade to the latest version of Xerces. 这提示您应该升级到最新版本的 Xerces。 ibm The two DOM implementations included in the performance tests, Xerces and Crimson, use different techniques for these operations. 包括在性能测试中的两种 DOM实现, Xerces和 Crimson,对这些操作使用不同的技术。 ibm This file does not, however, include external libraries such as Xalan and Xerces. 但是,这个文件不包含诸如 Xalan和 Xerces等外部库。 ibm To build Xerces, you need to either extract the source code from CVS or download both of the Xerces source and tools distributions. 要编译 Xerces,需要从 CVS中提取源代码,或者下载发布的 Xerces源代码和工具。 ibm To run and debug your application, place a copy of the Xerces DLL in the working directory. 为了运行和调试这个应用程序,在工作目录中放入 Xerces DLL的一个副本。 ibm You can use the above steps to build Xerces on Windows. 可以使用上述步骤在 Windows上构建 Xerces。 ibm Xerces isn't the fastest parser out there, but a six- times speed- up is better than anyone else has done. Xerces并不是最快的解析器,但是6倍的速度提升是其他任何技术都还未达到的。 ibm |