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词汇 württemberg
释义 württembergBNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
A big majority in Stuttgart, and a narrower one in the whole state of Baden- Württemberg, want the project stopped.
斯图加特的大部分居民,以及整个巴腾-符腾堡州的稍小部分居民都要求停止这一项目。 ecocn

Markus Kaiser, a specialist with the intelligence service of Baden- Württemberg, says that Turkish- language jihadist material on the internet is growing markedly.
德国联邦州情报机构专家马克思•凯泽尔称,圣战主义土耳其语材料在网上越来越多。 ecocn

The party’s offices in Stuttgart, Baden- Württemberg’s capital, look readier for protests and demonstrations than for the assumption of government responsibility.
位于巴符州省会斯图加特市的绿党办公部门,看起来更像是在为抗议和示威作准备,而不是承担政府责任。 ecocn

The key contest is in Baden- Württemberg, which the CDU has governed since1953.
巴登-符腾堡州将有一场关键的选举,自1953年以来基民盟就一直通知那里。 ecocn

The stakes are especially high in Baden- Württemberg, which has been governed by Mrs Merkel’s party, the Christian Democratic Union CDU, for more than half a century.
押注格外高的州是巴登-符腾堡州,在超过半个世纪的时间里,它都是由默克尔所在政党基督教民主联盟 CDU所治理的。 ecocn

At a campaign event in Baden- Württemberg, the biggest of the three states, Mrs Merkel accused Mr zu Guttenberg’s foes of “ hypocrisy and mendacity”.
巴登-符腾堡州是上述三个州中规模最大的一个,在该州的一次竞选活动中,默克尔指责古滕贝格的对手们“伪善且无信”。 ecocn

Baden- Württemberg’s election could even put them in charge of a state for the first time, say the polls.
民意调查显示,绿党可能赢得巴符州的选举,从而开始首次掌管一个州。 ecocn

Baden- Württemberg’s Greens are on the party’s “ extreme realist” wing, says Dieter Fuchs of the University of Stuttgart.
斯图加特大学的迪特尔•福克斯说,巴符州的绿党属于该党中的“极端现实主义”派系。 ecocn

But in Baden- Württemberg a revolution could be in the making.
但巴登-符腾堡州可能正酝酿一场革命。 ecocn

But voters enjoy Baden- Württemberg’s fast economic growth and low unemploymentthe lowest youth unemployment rate in Europe, Mr Mappus often boasted.
但选民们很满意巴登-符腾堡州的快速经济增长以及低失业率马普斯常常吹嘘该州拥有欧洲最低的年轻群体失业率。 ecocn

Entrepreneurs in Baden- Württemberg, another candidate for such a coalition, vote CDU but their wives are often Green, says Winfried Kretschmann, the party's parliamentary leader in the state.
在巴登-弗腾堡州的党派“企业家”是两党结盟的又一候选对象,“他们支持基民盟,但他们的妻子通常支持绿党。” “ 企业家”在州议会的领导人如是说。 tianya

Even if they are defeated in Baden- Württemberg, the CDU and FDP will limp on in Berlin.
即使在巴登-符腾堡州的选举中失利,基民盟和自民党也可在柏林缓慢前进。 ecocn

For Mrs Merkel, the defeat in Baden- Württemberg is a painful blow, but not a terminal one.
对默克尔夫人而言,巴登-符腾堡州选举失利确实是一个沉痛的打击,但并不足以致命。 ecocn

If the project is stopped, Baden- Württemberg will be forced to pay contractors hundreds of millions in fees that it can ill afford.
如果项目被中止,巴符州需要向承包商偿付数亿费用,而这对它难以承受。 ecocn

If he fails, the Greens’ triumph in Baden- Württemberg will turn out to have been a radiation-related fluke.
如果他失败了,那么绿党在巴登-符腾堡州的胜利将会是昙花一现。 ecocn

In Baden- Württemberg his Free Democratic Party FDP saw its share of the vote fall by half.
在巴登-符腾堡,他所领导的德国自由民主党得票数减少了一半。 ecocn

In Germany Angela Merkel’s ruling CDU party lost an important election in the state of Baden- Württemberg, which it had governed continuously for almost60 years.
默克尔领导的德国执政党基督教民主联盟在其有着连续近60年治理基础的巴登符腾堡州地方选举中失利。 此次选举对默克尔领导的执政党非常重要。 ecocn

In Stuttgart, Baden- Württemberg’s capital, the Greens have helped lead resistance to a grand project to shift the city’s rail traffic underground.
在斯图加特,巴登符腾堡州的首府所在地,绿党在抵抗一项规模巨大的改建本市地铁项目这一事情上发挥了领导作用。 ecocn

Mrs Merkel will be damaged, but probably not destroyed, if the CDU loses in Baden- Württemberg, which it has governed since1953.
如果基督教民主联盟在自1953年以来一直由其统治的巴登-符腾堡州失利的话,默克尔将受到伤害,但不大可能被彻底击垮。 ecocn

Nearly half Baden- Württemberg’s voters said that energy was the most important election issue.
将近半数巴登-符腾堡州的选民表示能源是最重要的选举议题。 ecocn

She ostentatiously backed Stuttgart21, an unpopular rail project in Baden- Württemberg, to show that street protests should not be permitted to stop projects approved by legislatures and the courts.
她公开大力支持巴登-符腾堡州的斯图加特21这个不受欢迎的铁路项目,以此表示不应该批准那些想制止那些立法机构和法院批准的项目实行的游行。 ecocn

Since the turnout at the last Baden- Württemberg election was only66%, Stuttgart21 seems safe.
考虑到最近一次巴登-符腾堡州选举的投票率仅有66%,“斯图加特21”看起来是安全的。 ecocn

Stuttgart North, one of two electoral districts in Baden- Württemberg’s capital, is a relatively poor area in a rich state.
巴登符腾堡州的首都斯图加特有两个选区,北斯图加特是其中之一。 相比发达的巴登符腾堡州其他地区,稍显贫穷。 ecocn

That is now a problem: nuclear power is the most pressing issue for 46% of Baden- Württemberg’s voters, according to one poll.
这就出现了一个问题:根据一项民意调查,核能问题是46%的巴登-符腾堡州选民最为担忧的问题。 ecocn

That was all before the state elections in Baden- Württemberg, which Angela Merkel's ruling coalition lost in any case.
这就是在巴登符腾堡州全国选举前的全部,无论如何,安格拉•默克尔的执政联盟都会败北。 ecocn

The CDU remains the biggest party in Baden- Württemberg, with39% of the vote, a drop of five percentage points from the last election in2006.
基民盟仍然是巴登-符腾堡州的第一大党,获得39%的选票,比上次2006年的选举下降了五个百分点。 ecocn

The CDU remains the largest party in Baden- Württemberg and it almost beat the SPD in Rhineland- Palatinate.
基民盟仍是巴符州最大的政党,而且,在莱茵兰—普法尔茨州,他们差一点就可以击败社民党。 ecocn

The party barely met the 5% threshold for entering the legislature in Baden- Württemberg.
该党的得票率刚刚跨过得以进入巴登-符腾堡州议会的5%门槛线。 ecocn




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