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wyman 基本例句 n.怀曼 A study by Oliver Wyman found that if British banks were forced to split up their businesses and fund each one as a separate subsidiary, their borrowing costs would rise substantially. Oliver Wyman的研究发现,如果所有的英国银行被强迫要求拆分他们的业务部门,并以独立子公司的形式为彼此提供资金,那么借贷成本会显著上升。 ecocn Joel Wyman: That line is really important. 这句台词非常重要。 yyets Ser Hosteen slammed his foot into the tabletop, knocking it off its trestles, back into Lord Wyman's swollen belly. 霍斯汀爵士一脚踏上桌面,打翻了的桌板直接撞上怀曼大人臃肿的肚子。 cndkc Ser Hosteen Frey ripped his long sword from its scabbard and leapt toward Wyman Manderly. 霍斯汀·弗雷爵士从长剑出鞘跳向怀曼·曼德利。 cndkc The latest results are radically different from those Oliver Wyman compiled in the years before the financial crisis. 最新结果与奥纬咨询在金融危机之前编制的结果大相径庭。 iciba There has been no stampede of corporate customers from AIG, says Andrew Rear of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. 奥纬咨询公司的一位顾问 Andrew Rear说,美国国际集团的客户没有被惊跑。 ecocn WHEN Andrew Chadwick-Jones, a management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London, went to pitch to a private-equity firm late last year, he expected the usual: about20 minutes and a brisk attitude. 去年年底,伦敦奥利弗•威曼管理咨询公司的安德鲁•查德威克•琼斯 Andrew Chadwick- Jones,前往一家私募公司展业时,他像往常那样预期:约20分钟的长度,不友善的态度。 ecocn “ Look what happened to the photovoltaic industry,” says Thomas Kautzsch, a partner at Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. “看看在光电产业身上都发生了什么,”奥纬咨询公司合伙人托马斯·卡伍兹斯奇说。 yeeyan “ PEOPLE may look back at this quarter as essentially the first earnings period of the post- crisis era” for American banks, says Michael Poulos of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. 对美国银行来说,“人们回首这个季度,发现这实质上是金融危机后第一个盈利期”,一家咨询公司 Oliver Wyman的 Michael Poulos如是说。 ecocn “ This feeds a vicious circle of more and more choice,” says Matthew Isotta of Oliver Wyman. “这就助长了货物越来越多,选择却越来越少,再追加货物的恶性循环。” 奥纬咨询公司的马休·艾索塔说道。 ecocn A recent report on the future of wholesale banking from Morgan Stanley and Oliver Wyman reckons that bid- offer spreads have increased by anything from50% to300%. 最近的一份关于从摩根大通到奥纬集团的批发银行业的未来的报告预测说,买卖价差已经从50%增长到了300%。 ecocn Andy Rear of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy, says risk management has improved dramatically. Capital positions have been rebuilt. 咨询公司奥纬 Oliver Wyman的顾问 Andy Rear说其风险管理已显著改善,资本状况已重建。 ecocn During his first marriage to Jane Wyman, Reagan fathered two children, Maureen, an actress and public servant, and Christine, who died in infancy. 在他与简·威曼的第一次婚礼中,里根有两个孩子,马琳,演员和公共服务人员,克里斯汀在婴儿时期就死了。 yeeyan Flow business is“ the side of the boat all banks are running towards, ” says Ted Moynihan of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. 咨询公司 Oliver Wyman的 Ted Moynihan说,流动性业务是“所有银行都蜂拥而至的那侧船舷”。 ecocn He did hear Wyman Manderly calling for more sausages and Roger Ryswell's laughter at some jape from one-armed Harwood Stout. 他能听到的是怀曼·曼德利叫着要再来点香肠,罗格·里斯维尔被独臂的哈伍德·斯托特的笑话弄得哈哈大笑。 cndkc Marian Wyman: Are you cheating Ralph? 玛丽亚·威曼:你骗了拉尔夫? iciba Morgan Stanley and Oliver Wyman, a consultancy, estimate there could be up to $80 billion of additional mark-downs among the top20 banks this year. 摩根斯坦利和奥纬咨询估计今年排名前20的银行总共还会有多大800亿美元的亏损。 ecocn Oliver Wyman, a consulting firm, puts the figure at8-10% of total“ perishable” goods in America. 奥纬咨询公司认为在美国,这种“损耗”占到了易损货物总量的8-10%。 ecocn Oliver Wyman calculates that in the first three quarters of2008, lending via capital markets in America shrankon an annualised basis by$950 billion. 奥纬咨询的计算表明2008前三季度按年率计算的美国资本市场的贷款缩减了$9500亿。 ecocn Oliver Wyman suggests that the shift from equities and structured products into cash and fixed income will reduce private- bank revenues by around 20%. Oliver Wyman表示,从股票和结构化产品市场转向现金和固定收益部门将会降低20%的私人银行收益。 ecocn Persuading a trader to move to risk can be “ like asking a trapeze artist to retrain as an accountant”, says Barrie Wilkinson of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. 说服交易员改行从事风险管理“犹如把一个空中飞人再培训成一个会计师。” ,奥纬咨询的咨询师 Barrie Wilkinson如是说。 ecocn Stefan Jaecklin of Oliver Wyman, a firm of consultants, reckons that Singapore and Switzerland are most likely to fit the bill. 奥纬咨询公司的史蒂文•捷克林认为,新加坡和瑞士最有可能符合这个要求。 ecocn Valente is part of a new effort, led by Peter Wyman of the University of Rochester, to study how effectively key network members can implement a suicide prevention program called Sources of Strength. 瓦伦特是由罗切斯特大学的彼得·怀曼领导一个新举措的一部分,研究关键的网络成员实施自杀干预计划的有效性。 yeeyan When interest rates are low, as they are today, the appeal for banks of online deposits grows relative to those harvested in the branch, points out Aaron Fine of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. 咨询公司, Aaron Fine of Oliver Wyman指出像现在这样处于低利率环境的时候,网上银行相比分行网点对存款的吸引力更大。 ecocn |