

单词 WW II
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And in case you don't know yet, Okinawa ITSELF was a kingdom invaded by Japan prior to WW II, along with its invasion on Korea.
假如你还是不懂,告诉你冲绳自身就是日本在二战之前侵占的一个王国,就在日本侵占韩国之后。 tianya

After the three waves of international industry transfer since WW II, the ongoing industry transfer is led by TNCs Transnational Corporations and driven by innovation of science and technology.
二战以来三次主要的产业国际转移大潮后,当前产业国际转移是以跨国公司为主导,以科学技术创新为根本驱动力量的又一浪潮。 fabiao

During WW II many Jewish lives were saved by doctors performing operations connected to circumcision.
二战期间,做包皮环切相关手术的医生救了很多犹太人的性命。 yeeyan

He wants to know when the WW II broke out.
他想知道二战是什么时候爆发的。 xdpxw

In WW II the hotel received the nickname' White House'.
这家酒店在第二次世界大战中获得了昵称“白宫”。 orangeway

Its existence reflects a contrast of international powers during WW II. It is also the reflection of aspiration cherished by the international community for an orderly international order.
它的形成是第二次世界大战时期国际力量对比的反映,也反映了国际社会对世界秩序的有序化的渴望。 cnki




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