

单词 wwdc
释义 wwdcCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
abbr.Worldwide Developers Conference 全球开发者大会其全称为Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 苹果全球开发者大会abbr.World War Debt Commission 世界大战债务委员会
The iconic Apple chief undoubtedly adds star quality to the company's product launches, although the tech giant is unlikely to debut new phone hardware at this year's WWDC, in a break with tradition.
标志性的行政,无疑增加了苹果质量明星该公司的产品发布会,虽然科技巨头不太可能亮相今年的 WWDC上新手机的硬件在这一传统,在休息。 qudong

Agree, disagree or have anything to add? Comment with your WWDC predictions below.
同意,不同意,或者有什么需要说的吗? 请写下你对于 WWDC的预言。 yeeyan

Almost38, 000 folks turned out for Technologizer's live coverage of Apple's WWDC keynote yesterday morning.
昨天早晨,近38000人参加了苹果全球开发者大会的发布会。 hjenglish

Apple Inc announced Monday it plans to hold its annual Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC from June6-10.
苹果公司28日宣布,将于6月6日至10日举办其年度全球开发者大会。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Apple seldom details its plans in advance, which is why the pre- announcement of the contents of the WWDC keynote were such a surprise.
苹果极少提前透漏计划,这就是为什么提前公布全球开发者大会的要点会这么令人惊讶。 yeeyan

As much as you might want one now, we don’t see this launching at WWDC.
尽管你也许很想得到,但是我们不认为这会出现在 WWDC上。 yeeyan

At this year’s WWDC, Apple announced that the next version of its operating system would take a break from introducing new features and focus on performance.
在今年的全球开发者大会上(Worldwide Developers Conference)苹果公司宣布他们新一代的操作系统将不再引进新功能,转而致力于性能的提升。 yeeyan

Jobs' prime days were well behind him before his last two public appearances this year, at the WWDC and, serendipitously, at the Cupertino town council to pitch for Apple's new headquarters.
乔布斯在今年最后的两次在全球开发者大会公开露面之前的主要时间是在他的后面,并且意外地是,在库比蒂诺镇会议上定下苹果新的总部。 kle100

Our biggest surprise, though, surely was being invited by Apple to present Silex at WWDC2005 and the2007 Apple Exhibition.
不过,我们最大的惊喜当然是被苹果邀请在 WWDC2005和2007 Apple Exhibition上展示 Silex。 yeeyan

This year at the WWDC the fifth title was announced for later this summer, the title will include among other stuff the possibility of on-line buying of new stuff and multiplayer races.
今年的 WWDC上的第五个冠军后宣布今年夏天,主题将包括除其他东西的可能性,在线购买新的东西,多人比赛。 minisoyo

This year’s WWDC sold out in a record eight days to over 5,000 developers.
今年的大会创纪录地在8天之内售完了5000多张入场券。 yeeyan

What better time than WWDC to introduce a much-needed extensions API for Safari?
还有比在 WWDC上介绍 Safari扩展 API更好的时机吗? yeeyan




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