

单词 WW I
释义 WW I
The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period afterWW I.对波兰的进攻终结了第一次世界大战之后相对和平的时期。
It was reported that about 80% of the chemical casualties inWW Iwas caused by sulfur mustard.据估计一战中芥子气的伤亡率约占化学损伤伤亡率的80%,因此被称为“毒剂之王”。
Pay special attention to Owen'sWW IPoems. Consider how and why they use Off-rhyme.请特别注意欧恩关于一次世界大战的诗。思考他们如何和为什麽使用压尾韵。
DuringWW Ihe was not called for military service, most likely due to his constantly trembling hands; and most of the Bloomsburies were conscientious objectors.第一次世界大战期间,他未被要求服兵役,最大的可能是由于他不断颤抖的双手,以及大多数布卢姆斯伯里人从意识上拒绝服兵役。
And owning to the inability in adjusting himself to the changing society afterWW Iand in coping with the conflict, Dick failed finally in matching the behavior with his identity standards and social expectation.迪克由于无法与第一次世界大战后经济快速发展、金钱权利至上、道德沦丧的社会苟同,又无法解决自身存在的身份矛盾,以致自身衡量尺度失效,落得被社会抛弃的下场。




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