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词汇 Wu Zhen
释义 Wu Zhen
The four are Huang Gongwang, Ni Zan,Wu Zhenand Wang Meng, who were all excellent painters of mountains and water scenes.黄公望、倪瓒、吴镇和王蒙,他们代表了中国山水画史上的一个高峰。
The appearance of Ni Zan’s “Yiqi theory” andWu Zhen’s “Shi Xing theory” make the thinking of enjoyable drawing to its peak.赵孟頫的“书画同源”强调以书入画使得笔墨逐渐摆脱了实用价值而趋向独立审美。
Zhang slope field personnel to leave Beijing,Wu Zhenis a light Auto Parts Factory retired workers, not long ago, two disputes arising from the issue of housing lease.张坡是外地来京务工人员,吴珍是某轻型汽车配件厂退休工人,前不久,二人因房屋租赁问题产生纠纷。
Very often, the innovations of poetry in the Yuan and Ming dynasties were caused by poems on paintings, authors of which include Ni Zan,Wu Zhen, Wang Mian, Shen Zhou, Xu Wei and Tang Yen.摘要元明诗文的新变化,常常首先出现在倪珊、吴镇、王冕、沈周、徐渭、唐寅等诗画家的作品之中,诸如人伦教化因素逐渐减弱,主观情怀、人生意味的表现日益增强,清新通俗、激锐酣畅和滑稽风趣的风格形式等等。
Mr. Ren Zhi Qiang, Chairman of Beijing Huayuan Property Co., Ltd, and Mr.Wu ZhenMian, Chairman of China Olympic Garden Group华远集团董事长任志强、中体奥林匹克花园董事长吴振绵




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