释义 |
Wutu 基本例句 於菟¹⁰⁰ Aptly patterned men perform theWutu, or “tiger,” dance, meant to dispel disease and exorcise evil, in the Chinese village of Nianduhu.在中国年都乎村,画有斑纹的男子在跳于菟同‘虎’舞,以期驱魔除疾。 The images of Xiwangmu in Shanghaijing was shrouded in the supernatural halo,the extantWutudance of the Tus in Nianduhu Village,Tongren County might extremely be this activation fossil of Nuo culture.《山海经》中对西王母形象的描绘是笼罩在神之光环下傩文化现象的记录 ,现存同仁县年都乎村土族的“於菟”舞极可能是这种傩文化的“活化石”。 Futu - “Chu language -Wutu- tiger”浮图-“楚语-於菟-虎” |