

单词 wushu
释义 wushu
The town around Shaolin is home to dozens of wushu schools, some employing monks from the temple who accept as students both the spiritually and competitively inclined.
仅仅在少林寺周边的城镇就有十几所武术学校,有的学校还聘请少林寺僧人下山教授武术,无论是希望修炼精神还是参与竞技,他们对这些学生都来者不拒。 shinewrite

“ I love wushu a lot and I would love to see them included in future Olympic Games,” China Daily quoted Chan, as saying.
“我热爱武术,我希望在未来的奥运会中能够看到武术比赛。”中国日报援引成龙的话。 yeeyan

Adopting auto gas analytical machine and the remote monitor of heart rate, the aerobic metabolism of20 male Wushu routine athletes was studied.
采用自动气体分析仪和遥测心率计对20名男子武术套路运动员的有氧代谢能力进行了研究。 iciba

Apart from the Olympic Games has28 the Asian Games there are13 non- Olympic Games including the new Go wushu dragon boat and other Chinese traditional items.
除了有28项奥运会比赛项目,该届亚运会还有13项非奥运会项目的正式比赛项目,其中包括新增设的围棋、武术、龙舟等中国传统项目。 tingvoa

Chinese wushu involves so many forms and styles of fighting and has so many different schools.
中国武术包括多种形式和打斗风格,也拥有众多的培训学校。 yeeyan

Day1 of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games will perhaps see the Chinese delegation win the first gold of the wushu events.
今天是广州亚运会的第一个比赛日,首枚金牌将在武术项目中产生。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

GUANGZHOU, ChinaAP— China and Iran shared the gold medals on the final day of competition in the martial art of wushu, winning four and three apiece.
广州,中国--亚运会武术项目最后一天的角逐中,中国与伊朗平分金牌,中国获四金,伊朗三金。 yeeyan

In 1982, wushu champion Jet Li appeared in the film Shaolin Temple.
1982年,武术冠军李连杰主演了电影《少林寺》。 yeeyan

Indonesia’s Lindswell competes during the wushu martial art event at the World Games in Kaohsiung on July24,2009.
来自印度尼西亚的 Lindswell在2009年六月24日于高雄举行的世界运动会上参加武术组的艺术项目的比赛。 yeeyan

Margherita Cina, who brought the first gold medal for Team Canada in last year's World Wushu Championship, is one of them.
在去年的世界武术锦标赛上,为加拿大队赢得首枚金牌的玛格丽塔•西纳也是该学院的一员。 edu.sina.com.cn

Now he has another ambition: to train here as a wushu coach.
现在他有了另外一个理想:他要在这里学习,争取成为一个武术教练。 yeeyan

The International Olympic Committee IOC currently recognizes Chinese wushu and Japanese karate as sports, but neither is an official or a demonstration sport at the Games.
国际奥委会目前承认中国武术和日本空手道为体育项目,但并没有将这二者列为奥运会的官方或者表演项目。 yeeyan

Today superb wushu masters are active all over the world, and amateurs are on the increase with each passing day.
今天高超的武术大师已遍布世界各地,武术爱好者也与日俱增。 hjenglish

Yet' wushu is something that starts with fighting and ends with spirit, ' he says.
虽然武术始与格斗,但却终于精神修炼。 ebigear

Wushu practitioners warmed up outside the Bird's Nest Tuesday night during the final rehearsal for the Games opening.
武术表演者们5日晚在鸟巢外为奥运开幕式最后一次彩排预热。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Wushu, or Chinese martial art, can be traced back to ancient times. It is a gem of Chinese traditional culture.
武术在我国源远流长,是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。 hjenglish

Wushu is not only a fighting skill, but also a good exercise. I wish I was skilled myself.
武术不仅是一种打斗技术,还是一种很好的锻炼。要是我也能有这种本领就好了。 iciba

'The Shaolin Temple is only a building,' says Kang Gewu, the secretary-general of the Chinese Wushu Association.
中国武术协会 Chinese Wushu Association秘书长康戈武表示,少林寺不过是座寺庙。 shinewrite




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